Week 4 flowering problem


Well-Known Member
My,temps were kinda hight,,for,a couple days,,and humidity, was high also,, due to power outages, now I'm back on track ,95. 100 degree, ,for,about,and,hour,or to


Well-Known Member
It may not be a bad idea to supplement some Nitrogen. I'm assuming the yellow started towards the bottom before it began working its way up?

You could do a light top dress of some guano like a 5-1-1.

But to be completely honest, the plants don't look bad. You could ride it out until harvest if you only have about a month to go. I wouldn't do anything too drastic as you could possibly do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
ialways seem to get this when im 4 weeks into flower with Pro-mix, i feel like its a PH fluctuation outside of its range and so its not getting its nutrients, or its too little feed


Well-Known Member
If your lights are really strong or close it can sometimes drive the plants to really dig into the nutrients available.
I suggest you just have a look with a normal bulb as colours can be hard to read under grow lights.
If it is just nitrogen, the colour of the [plant will pick up in 2 to 3 days after you increase the feeding.