Week 4 flowering, how does it look?


Wicked mate...I'm the same time into flowering and mine dont look anything as good as yours...what feed system do you use cos i have heard so many different things about the best NPK ratios.
I know there are loads of factors but do you have any tips cos i am growing for the first time and dont know what kind of plants i have,(seeds came out of my bought stash)

Nice 1 mate...


Active Member
...what feed system do you use cos i have heard so many different things about the best NPK ratios.
I know there are loads of factors but do you have any tips cos i am growing for the first time
To answer your feeding question, I use the lucas formula for feeding with an ebb and flow table.

as far as tips go, what kind of lighting do you have?


I'm growing in soil under a 600W Grolux bulb in a 1.2x1.2x2.0M budbox and using the HESI range of nutes.....I dont think i am doing too bad...

Only 1 problem the top half of 2 of my plants leaves are curling downward like claws and folding themselves up...The leaves are really dark green all over but feel a bit brittle to the touch and i dont know whats going on....Any advice??

P.s Sorry about the poor quality pics



i got a fan but its so cold where i am i dont need it....I keep them at about 78-82F in the day and it goes down to about 60-65 in the dark and i open the box a few times every day... iv'e read a few things like cannabis grow bible and green harvest and try to do it like they say ....I am abit puzzled cos the other plants seem OK

thanks for the help