Week 4 flower


Alright so I'm about 4 1/2 weeks into flower and my plant and buds are looking amazing, at least for a closet grow. The buds are a little small but I read that they'll fatten up in-between 6-8 weeks. My question is should the hairs on my bud be turning reddish brown or orange, whatever you wanna call it, already? A couple buds have there pistols turning colors and I feel like its too soon, at least if I'm trying to grow it for another 3 weeks. this is my first grow so I don't really know what to expect but let me know anything helpful.


Active Member
The color of the hairs docent mean a whole lot.
Don'tfall into the trap of when the hair mostly change the plant is done, its just not true.
Only way to tell when they are finished it to watch the trichs.
Get a good magnifying glass or jewelers loupe (got mine for $12 at hydro shop its a 30x lighted loupe works great).
When they go from clear to cloudy or cloudy to some amber they are ready depending on your preference.
For detailed info on harvest time check this out....https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/66405-amber-alert.html