Week 2 of first grow, how am i doing?


so hopefully i'm doing it right from here on, these are my current stats:

ph: 5.3 (will adjust to 5.8 when i get home from work)
ppm: 553 (will probably be a bit lower once i adjust the water ph)
temp: 28c - 30c
drippers are 15min on / 15min off

2x small air stone blocks
2x LED 90w UFOs
co2 booster at high
1x fogger

2 rocketfish case fans blowing air in
1 small table fan blowing on the plants
1 bathroom fan turned on every 45 minutes for 15 minutes to evacuate air

Will this set up do fine from here on?


I don't have any experience with the dripper settings but other than that, I believe it looks good to me.
Another opinion would always be great, so feel free to chime in anyone!


well heres what they look like 24 hours after changing water and adding more air stonesIMG00056-20101023-0437.jpgIMG00057-20101023-0437.jpgIMG00055-20101023-0437.jpgIMG00058-20101023-0438.jpg

the new tops are getting extremely green, is that good?


Well-Known Member
those are fried, man I'd lower the PPM to below 300 and wait there for like 2 weeks until they recover


Dude, just water those things! There is no need to add any nutes. Listen to Weedler too if you absolutely have to run nutes do it at a VERY low PPM as those things are hurting as it is. they are all but fried at this point and nutes are only going to make it worse in my opinion.

Max Q

Get the pH in the 5.5 to 6.5 range and keep it there. What kind of pH solutions are you using? Good ones will have buffers to keep it stable. Try GH or AN for pH up & down. Also, make sure to let your water sit in an open container for min 24 hrs to let chlorine gas off. Stirring the water or putting a bubbler in there will get the chlorine outta there faster. And yea, you don't need nutes just yet. Let em gro a bit first. You'd be surprized how well plants grow in just plain water.

I'd like to see more info about ventilation. Your temps seem a little high for such small plants, and if this is your first grow then you might want to stop CO2 supplementation until you dial your system in a bit better. CO2 complicates ventilation big time. Why two intake fans and one exhaust? How many CFMs are they pushing? Generally you want 3-4x the exhaust CFMs as you have intake (i.e. 250 CFM intake with 750-1000 CFM exhaust). That will keep a nice negative pressure in your gro room and keep unwanted odors from getting out. LEDs generate a decent amount of heat so don't skimp on your air.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd run tap water and pray. Personally I'd scrap the bad ones and run the best of them hopefully some are females take clones etc.


hey guys it's been 2 weeks, heres where im at right nowIMG00092-20101102-1917.jpg

ph5.8 ppm550

are they recovering?


Gric, You should cut your losses, and get your next grow going. Between the bushmaster and the nute burn, your babies aren't worth keeping.

Next time-- start seeds or cuttings in some rapid rooters, give them day old tap water till they get pointed leaves. check the ph daily on the water you use on the seedlings, it swings too. Start feeding really light-- 300 ppm forl first 3 weeks, than ease it up to 600ppm. Plants can handle low nute levels better than high nute levels. You should probably never get above 1000 ppm, not on this grow anyway.

Keep on using your GH nutes, but skip the bushmaster. It wont help your grow.
Don't spray things on the leaves. save the co2 for budding.
If you don't already have one, get a ph pen. Makes it easy to check ph twice a day.
good luck!


Active Member
there over watered... if the roots reach the reservoir, turn those drippers off, overkill! They don't look good at all, they look like cooked spinach...