Week 10 flower - Am i there yet???


Well-Known Member
I mean visually it’s hard to tell. Is it an auto green crack or a photo? Best thing to do is get yourself a jewellers loupe which can be brought on eBay / amazon for less than £5 and look at the trichomes and see how cloudy they are. Depending on what sort of high you want from your finished product will depend on how cloudy the trichomes are. I’ve attached this helpful image below which should help know when to harvest !



Well-Known Member
Hard telling, id get the jewlers loupe 60x and check the trichomes, that view out the window is sick though, lol it looks like a different planet from where im at haha all rain and gray skies here and even worse we are getting another 10 inches of snow tonight lol... plant looks good


Well-Known Member
A+ on the grow so far...and A++ on the view!

get a loupe. It’s the only way you’re going to be able to tell. They’re like $6.


Well-Known Member
Note the color of your fans, whats in the media? Should be yellowing out unless you have given her too much N durring flower then she will finish with green fans, honestly looks close though maybe a couple weeks or a week, near 80-90% of your pistils have laid down and turned amber and orange, imo i have noticed that the pistils standing at full attention are on growing and swelling buds and when they begin to lay down and turn in color its because (not as good of an indicator as the trichomes) that growth rate is slowing down and plant is near being ripe for harvest...


Active Member
Hey guys, cheers for all the info. I will see if I can post a pic looking thru a loupe. Bloody stressful times, dont want to cock it up now being so close. Cheers


Active Member
Here's a few more photos a couple of days on. I know you can't really tell and To be honest I struggle even with the loupe to tell. Have no amber and pretty sure Ive got clear/cloudy tris. I've given them each 2 litres of water with about 20% run off. Was going to flush then give them 48hrs dark then chop. How long before I go lights out after giving them water, do I let the plant take in the water or could I start dark after next lights off(currently on).
It's only my second grow and it's gone way better than the first so overall I'm happy with it. Time will tell. Cheers for any input.



Well-Known Member
That's a long flower time!.. May be because of the wattage you're running. Still hard to tell from the pics, but damn! that's a nice view out the window!... I think more of us are interested in where you live LOL! ... looking good tho brother!


Well-Known Member
The standard advice I was given: It's easy to chop too early, and hard to chop too late.

I'd give it another week or two and then see where you are. You've come this far, and you'll regret it if you chop too early. How are the buds? Hard or squishy? I chopped my first grow a few weeks too early, and regretted it an hour after I cut the plant. I should have waited for the buds to be really thick and harder.