week 1 what more important air or humidity?


Active Member
k so i think i over watered my plants...i've let them dry out for a day or so now but i'm wondering if i should put my seedlings back under it's dome that i originally started it in, to give it humidity and moisture? does anyone know if this is a good idea/?

bassically what happened is that my 5day old plants started to wilt near the base of the medium...i originally thought it was because of the light but soon realised that I was drowning it in water.....i havent' been using much nutes so i do think that's the problem.....

but now that the medium is dry(moist) i'm wondering if I should place the dome back on top of the try, with vent holes open to maybe give it back some mositure to make it stand up stright again? the only thing is, is that my air generator will not be able to blow air in the environment with the dome on.
so what's more important air or humidity? at this stage

p.s sorry i'd add pictures but my camera just broke and until i can afford a new one I wont be able to show accurate details

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I would think air. Got to have that. Whats the humidity levels in the grow space. I never use those domes. But its always humid where I live. I dont think you will need that dome anymore.


Active Member
I've taken the dome off and the plants seem to have to life coming back to them :) I'm not sure what the humdity is ...i still gotta by a reader, but it is warm I have a heater near by blowing warm air, and kind of trying to make do with the space I have at the moment.

should I leave the light on for 24hrs or should I give them a rest for 4-6? they are only 1week old.
