Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)


Well-Known Member
Looks absolutly fucking delicious.
Thanks bud!

No problemo! I'm new to growing myself, but found that link on here awhile back. I think it was when I started reading this thread in the harvesting section: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/328642-want-know-if-your-plants.html
Thanks dude, I asked fdd2blk his opinion a week ago and he said they looked really close, any day now...

doozie man they look super - how much longer to harvest do you reckon?
Oh man, they are so close that I snipped a little bit of GG (she seems further along than Fedora) for quick drying and testing. I'll keep everyone posted on how that turns out! Should be dry soon...


Well-Known Member
looking good wedoozie, nice looking buds. im doing a cfl grow as well swing by and check it out if ya can, the link is in my sig. Keep the good work up bro.


Active Member
Fantastic crop you got, weedoozie. Nice job!
This flushing you mentioned, how does that work? I have some outdoor pants and well into flowering, should i flush?? :-)


Well-Known Member
Fantastic crop you got, weedoozie. Nice job!
This flushing you mentioned, how does that work? I have some outdoor pants and well into flowering, should i flush?? :-)
Hey automon, thanks for stopping by
Flushing, from what I gather, is used when you feed your plants nutrients from either fertilizer that is already in your soil or from liquid forms you add to the plant water. This is just knowledge I gained from reading about the process on this site and various other sites and books. Flushing is a final attempt to use all the nutrients that the plant has available to it, by giving your plant either plain or distilled pH-adjusted water without added nutrients. The plant uses and rids itself (through draining out) of the nutrient waste it has used. This is supposed to give the plant a better flavor later on when ingested. "They" say that plants that have been fed nutrients should get a good flushing before chopping in order to get rid of a "fertilizer taste" and to bring out the plants organic flavors. There are plenty of threads about it in the harvesting and curing section


Active Member
Hey automon, thanks for stopping by
Flushing, from what I gather, is used when you feed your plants nutrients from either fertilizer that is already in your soil or from liquid forms you add to the plant water. This is just knowledge I gained from reading about the process on this site and various other sites and books. Flushing is a final attempt to use all the nutrients that the plant has available to it, by giving your plant either plain or distilled pH-adjusted water without added nutrients. The plant uses and rids itself (through draining out) of the nutrient waste it has used. This is supposed to give the plant a better flavor later on when ingested. "They" say that plants that have been fed nutrients should get a good flushing before chopping in order to get rid of a "fertilizer taste" and to bring out the plants organic flavors. There are plenty of threads about it in the harvesting and curing section
Thanks for your elaborate return Weedoozie. I gave em molasses so i guess flushing is a good thing 'cause molasses stinks.. :shock:

happy gardening :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm getting so impatient...but I know I must wait...the longer the better...

Fedora still isn't ready, she has many white pistils while GG is a little further along. GG has very lavender and light green color buds while Fedora has more magenta and darker green colored buds. I am so pumped to taste these lovely ladies, they smell so deliciously fruity, and the smell's all over my place :) I'm in love with GG's floral clusters, they are beautiful

I wonder if they will be true sinsemilla...there is a slight chance they have been fertilized...but not bad for CFL bagseeds!



New Member
I'm getting so impatient...but I know I must wait...the longer the better...

Fedora still isn't ready, she has many white pistils while GG is a little further along. GG has very lavender and light green color buds while Fedora has more magenta and darker green colored buds. I am so pumped to taste these lovely ladies, they smell so deliciously fruity, and the smell's all over my place :) I'm in love with GG's floral clusters, they are beautiful

I wonder if they will be true sinsemilla...there is a slight chance they have been fertilized...but not bad for CFL bagseeds!
Looking great...you lucky girl you:joint:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Active Member
plants are looking very nice man!! Looks tasty. Take some pics of the whole plant next update Im trying to see how big they are.

good job tho


Well-Known Member
As requested, whole plant pictures:



Well-Known Member
Awesome photos! Getting close.

And since you're taking requests: Remove your plants, place each one on a pure white sheet and white background and get some pics that way. Oh, and put a water bottle next to it. Then do some in low light with the flash on. A few black and whites wouldn't hurt either :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Awesome photos! Getting close.

And since you're taking requests: Remove your plants, place each one on a pure white sheet and white background and get some pics that way. Oh, and put a water bottle next to it. Then do some in low light with the flash on. A few black and whites wouldn't hurt either :bigjoint:
Lol thanks Pablo! I would love to have some pro shots of my girls but that is work I'm just not willing to do right now :)