when i started we were happy just finding a bag back in the 70's. where you live makes a diference to what kind of smoke you can get. in az back in the 70's the weed we got would put you to sleep. where i live now all i get is weed that keeps you up. for me.what maters the most is it gets you high & the price is right.Alright guys, I've been wondering something and I think you can help me out and maybe learn a few interesting things.I've grown up smoking mid grade weed, you know the kind full of seeds and stems. Hey what can I say, that's all they have around here for around 30-50 a quarter. I occasionally have bought better weed, but much less compared to mids. Not until I started growing my own have I tasted quality weed, and have it plenty of it. So I was wondering what you guys grew up smoking? Did you buy mids or are you an only Danks dude? Describe the weed you've grown up smoking, whether it be mids/highgrade and how much it was.
. Anyways guys, post what you wish.
Be well,
where i livedat in az in the 70's it was easer to get hash & bennies were abunet.that was befor i found sid.Alright guys, I've been wondering something and I think you can help me out and maybe learn a few interesting things.I've grown up smoking mid grade weed, you know the kind full of seeds and stems. Hey what can I say, that's all they have around here for around 30-50 a quarter. I occasionally have bought better weed, but much less compared to mids. Not until I started growing my own have I tasted quality weed, and have it plenty of it. So I was wondering what you guys grew up smoking? Did you buy mids or are you an only Danks dude? Describe the weed you've grown up smoking, whether it be mids/highgrade and how much it was.
. Anyways guys, post what you wish.
Be well,