Weed worth


Active Member
I dont get this whole selling thing. How much can you make off a plant if the yield is good and the weed is good to.


Well-Known Member
get about £250 sterling an oz. here
most of it is bunk weed tho so i cant wait to see how my lil lowryders turn out :D

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Im from texas. I can get $120 1/4 pounds but you get what you pay for. And im like potroast, I only smoke the finest buds. :)


Well-Known Member
haha yeah widow im from houston and ive seen the $40 an oz, $120 a QP shit. we called it tijuana tea. wasnt all that bad though lol. or maybe we just smokd so much of it that it made it better?


Active Member
umm yeah if you're shits good you can charge whatever the hell you want, just give em a taste and leave em wanting more


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree with you only smoking the finest buds. Its your body and everything you put into it should be of quality. At least thats what I think, for the past 8 years I have been getting the same exact hydro. Very consistent all year-round dank bud. Im just tired of paying for it, and I think that If it was me growing I could save some $$ and have the pleasure of smoking what I created.


New Member
Buy really great genetics (beans), don't scimp on your equipment, treat your girls like your kids, feed them the best nutrients and you will be smoking some fine herb. The dealer who sells you scum weed will be a thing of the past.



Well-Known Member
The standard in south florida where I grew up was $250-300 an oz for krypy. Where I'm at now it's more like $300-$350, but the quality here is fantastic!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Supply and demand...You guys in Texas are getting raped.I only visit there and never paid more then $150 a pound for mexican red hair lol get new connects

fat sam

Well-Known Member
well leave the schwag numbers out of your head because they are worthless when talking about fine homegrown, in my area bomb weed goes from 250-400 max for an ounce so with a good light and a few nice plants a few grand is almost a given