Weed withdrawl lonleliness...


Listen to your shit. Runs out of smoke. Big fuckin deal. Boo Hoo. You want to coddle him now? For fucking Christs sake the dude is out of dank and has to go get a fuckin job!! He's nervous because he has to go out into the real world and pay for his damned overpriced education. No fuckin wonder he can't sleep. It's called balls, grow a pair P.S. I'm drunk so I have balls
Bro you need to calm down..and no im not sympathizing for anybody; you're just being a plain out dick to everyone you reply to on these boards. I've taken a look at your recent posts and damn dude, you need to chill out. I'm not sure what the hell crawled up your ass but shit man, this is a place to chill out, chat and to just enjoy yourself, not to be ridiculed and dissed on and bitched at by someone who has a problem with everything somebody says.

For young people, meaning age 17-24(possibly up to 26); its kind of difficult to find a job right now. If you haven't noticed the economy and job rate is a tad bit high. Even fast food chains, retail places, places that usually have an opening or two are full. The only jobs out there, are ones that a young individual in college doesn't have experience in doing. Me, I am currently on call for security, and there isnt much shit goin on to secure.

So quit walkin on everyones balls and chill out man shit.


New Member
Am I being aggressive? Maybe so, but your fucked unless your aggressive in this world because you will get run over. . Chill out, smoke a dube.. screw that. I have died too , many times over. but I am keeping it real here. I wish someone kicked me in the ass once in a while. I did say I was drunk so please, excuse me.


You can be real, and you can be aggressive, and you can be both at the same time. You don't need to be a dick to be real. So try to just mellow out some. And honestly, I don't think the alcohol accounts for all 124 of your posts.


New Member
You can be real, and you can be aggressive, and you can be both at the same time. You don't need to be a dick to be real. So try to just mellow out some. And honestly, I don't think the alcohol accounts for all 124 of your posts.
This started out a GRAD student... you know... the ones that fly our jet fighters and make decisions that effect the rest of us? stating he was "empty feeling" . A GRAD student. Someone who may someday command you or your son in battle or something someday. They need to cope, to deal with it. Is it news that I am a dick? You just now figuring that out? People just need to get off this weed bullshit as the center of their universe and join the real world . I will be a dick and tell it like it is when its due.


Ok I do remember saying im not sympathizing for anybody. Im not sure where it says what he's going to college for & that he already graduated college. I don't think its possible to be a jet fighter pilot..and in class hittin the books..at the same time..i think you're getting the fact he graduated high school, mixed with college. (Correct me if im wrong please)

And no, its not news to me at all. What the hell do you do that makes you all so great of a person? I'm done with this conversation; I made my point crystal clear.

You want respect, earn that shit. You sure as hell havent earned it from me, and im sure im speaking for a few people when i say that.


New Member
Ok I do remember saying im not sympathizing for anybody. Im not sure where it says what he's going to college for & that he already graduated college. I don't think its possible to be a jet fighter pilot..and in class hittin the books..at the same time..i think you're getting the fact he graduated high school, mixed with college. (Correct me if im wrong please)
Listen numb nuts quote "Smoking has been my best friend through the stress of graduate school, "

I took that as not in high school. Hell I took that as past a Bachelors degree. I just went out on a limb and assumed he was in graduate school . Also , What the hell does it matter what he is in college for?

Hell I think you are mixed up if you yourself graduated high school.

I am that burr in your boot buddy , aggravating the piss out of you to stop the excessive consumption of weed. Sure partaking once in a while is fine but too much will fuck you up and get u all timid and shit . Go out and get a serious job interview. They can tell.... I can tell....


New Member
why don't you go hit your wife, I'm sure you'll feel better.

oh, hit my wife. nice.... what makes you think I'm not feeling good? Your doin alot of assumin my man. Hell I'm I'm not crazy, bitch would hit back


Well-Known Member
There's no physical dependecy withdrawls with marijuana. I've never done anything else, I don't even drink. But getting hi and being content to do nothing was nice when i was stoned. Was also a bad habbit, not the smoke but the doing nothing part, cuz it works when ur hi but once in the habbit, sucks when ur doing nothing when sober. The hardest part in quitting was the oral fixation/ desire to smoke something (never smoked cigs, greens all i know).
Here are some good tips 2 cure the "No green-Blues" that worked for me : avoid fatty and sweet foods (add to cravings) in the first few weeks, avoid alcohol too, exercise, find activities (sitting around the house w/nothing to do is not healthy especially when quitting), drink a tall glass of water whenever you're craving (it really does help,the hardest thing is just making the resolve to actually drink a glass of water) it will make u feel better, avoid places u associate with smoking, and the biggest thing for me was consciously reminding myself why I'm quitting, telling myself that I WANT it and then wanting to quit became easier. Mind over matter, u gotta force urself to stop thinking about it and wanting it. Hope it helps


Active Member
all I can say is one day at a time bro--
I dunno when I'll get to smoke next cus I dunno when my probation starts...
I know I haven't smoked in a good month though and I bet I'll have 6mo to a yr more--
we can make it through. and just imagine how utterly AMAZING that first smoke of dank is gonna be :weed: :-P


New Member
i smoked everyday for the last few years, recently a health scare made me stop to just on the weekends now, it was a tough transition ....but I feel a good choice as I have a wife and 3 kids and feel me being stoned all day was a form of selfishness and neglect on my part....its all good now, for the last 2 months I just smoke fri, sat, and sunday.....


Well-Known Member
There's no physical dependecy withdrawls with marijuana.
This is simply not true, I get the whole spectrum of withdrawal right through to hot and cold flushes. It may have been a learned response as I beat 2 chemical addictions before.


Well-Known Member
IMe, my job offer was rescended because the lady saw my thread i made the other night

wow that sucks dude. how'd she find this? searchin through some marijuana forums and recognized the name? haha

and relax, it's mind over matter. there's no actual withdraw with weed, you just think you need it but you can live without it easily. just do something else


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm way beyond frat parties. You want some real life shit thrown your way Mr psych 101 major?
Psychology is bullshit...it tries to use neurology (well understood at the level of the leech) to justify itself as a "Science". It is a series of "ideas" (to use the word "theory" here is to continue to change the hierarchy of the 6 or 7 definitions of the word) by a series of observers...each changing a bit from the previous...no stability beyond 1 generation of...observers...add in powerful untested chemicals to make things more interesting (cuz lobotomies and electric shock are frowned on)

This started out a GRAD student... you know... the ones that fly our jet fighters and make decisions that effect the rest of us? stating he was "empty feeling" . A GRAD student. Someone who may someday command you or your son in battle or something someday. They need to cope, to deal with it. Is it news that I am a dick? You just now figuring that out? People just need to get off this weed bullshit as the center of their universe and join the real world . I will be a dick and tell it like it is when its due.
Uh...:wall::clap::clap::clap:WTF are you talking about???Although military officers, who fly, often have graduate level degrees (Master's degree) to suggest that all those who take units beyond their Bachelor's are now somehow on a fast track to oppress you...:clap::clap::clap:

WE are all so glad you are here to "throw some real life shit our way" here...thanks CyberDad!...but you are sending us mixed messages CyberDad....with all your excessive drinking and and abusive CyberToughGuy talk...Others have even expressed their concern that you may hit CyberMom...we are SOOOO scared!kiss-assPlease CyberDad...don't throw anymore real life shit our way!!! We promise we will try not to say anything to upset you...:fire:



wow that sucks dude. how'd she find this? searchin through some marijuana forums and recognized the name? haha

thats what i am trying to find out..what tools they use to find shit out. my name, no..she said something about google. and the only way to find me on google is my email, which i was stupid for using that email for this site. im just waiting for googlebots to i guess refresh the data so that when you google my email, it isnt tracked to here since i changed it...and i hope it happens ASAP. but if you know or anyone else knows...tell me please..!


Well-Known Member
Dude trust me, I wish I knew. Now I'm a slightly nervous. I think we'll be fine though