Weed Wars

ya that was hilarious ! how did the camera ppl not bust up laughing...and why the hell did he even think that was the way to try it?! lol....

that purchaser guy, watch their revenue go back up after that lol
Exactly, how many medications come without detailed instructions on how to apply them? I guess weed does, huh? This show is showing how much of a joke dispensaries are! Its exposing how much of a hoax it really is and to be honest I dont like it. Why dont we just all tell the truth and stop lying, WE SMOKE WEED TO GET HIGH! Now, granted theres a percentage that use it for medicinal purposes and thats legit but for the most part most people smoke it to feel good, i.e. GET HIGH! But for me I see that no different than getting high on alcohol its just a preference at the end of the day. What do you prefer?All we're doing is covering the lie thats already been personified about Canabis and its benefits. I find it funny that at one point in this country we required farmers to grow hemp and then the lie started and has been blown up ever since. Canabis is no more dangerous than alocohol and its definately safer than perscription drugs, which is what most Americans are hooked on! And lets not forget all the textile uses for the plant, its endless! All the same at least we've come to this point and thats a good thing even if it still contains all the stereotypes of the past. Maybe at some point during the discussion we can come to the truth. :eyesmoke:

Duh, I been spelling Cannabis wrong!

Characteristics of Hemp
Before Huang-Ti’s time clothing was made from skins of birds and animals. But as time went on people increased and animals were fewCausing great hardship.So Huang-Ti ordained thatClothing should be made from hemp fiber.This is how the spiritual leader changed mattersFor the people’s benefit.6th century A.D. historian Khung Ying-Ta on The Yellow Emperor, Huang-Ti, 3rd century B.C.
I love hemp, maybe just because of the lore associated with the plant – and I don’t mean the lore surrounding the hallucinogenic properties of the plants that are bred for high THC content! So let’s get that part out of the way fast:Hemp is another word for the plant Cannabis sativa. Yes, marijuana comes from this same plant genus – and so does broccoli and cauliflower. But what we call “industrial hemp” is a different variety (or subspecies), called Cannabis sativa sativa. Marijuana is from Cannabis sativa indica, which is bred to contain between 5 – 10% of the intoxicating substance delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa sativa, contains less than one tenth that amount. Industrial grade hemp is not marijuana – it doesn’t look the same and if you tried to smoke it you’d probably die of carbon monoxide poisoning before you felt anything but sick. For more about the differences between the two varieties click here or go to the Industrial Hemp website.Hemp is unique among other crops in that every part of the plant has utility and potential market value. Here are some interesting facts about hemp that contribute to the lore I’m referring to:
  • In 1941 Henry Ford built a car with a plastic made from hemp and wheat straw.
  • Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp on their plantations; in fact the colonial government mandated that people grow hemp. Settlers used hemp fiber as money and to pay taxes.
  • The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp.
  • The July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
The plant has been used for millennia for food, fibers and fuel. Today it is said that over 30,000 different products can be made from hemp. Hemp’s oilseed makes high-grade food and beauty products. The stalks produce fiber and cellulose. And today, because of its length and strength, hemp fiber is woven into natural advanced composites, which can then be fashioned into anything from fast food containers to skateboard decks to the body of a stealth fighter. There are over two million cars on the road today with hemp composite components.But hemp for luxurious fabrics? I remember those macramé plant hangers that were all the rage in the 1970’s. Hemp has a public relations campaign to wage, because when I thought of hemp a few years ago (before my enlightenment) all I could imagine was burlap bag and sisal rugs. Turns out the technical revolution has even found hemp: new developments from the 1980’s in retting and processing the stalks has meant that the hemp fibers produced today are soft and lustrous enough for even the finest fabrics.Many end users look for comfort and durability in choosing a fabric, so hemp’s softness and high abrasion resistance make it a competitive choice. Hemp fiber’s positive qualities have been recognized over thousands of years of real life applications. The texture of pure hemp textiles resembles that of flax linen, appealing to the eye with its subtle variations in thickness, but it is also versatile and can be blended with other fibers to create many different looks. Hemp’s versatility as a textile is stunning: hemp fibers can be woven alone or with other fibers to produce weaves from rugged canvas to the lightest, silkiest gauze, in an unlimited array of colors and finishes. Hemp has a beautiful natural luster and a lush hand and drape not found with any other natural or synthetic fiber, even linen.Hemp’s characteristics as a textile make it a desirable choice in many applications:
  • Hemp is stronger and more durable than any other natural fabric, including linen, which almost matches hemps abrasion resistance and tensile strength. The result is that hemp has a longer lifespan than other natural fabrics.[SUP][SUP][1][/SUP][/SUP] (Patagonia is just one of the many companies which has published studies which demonstrate hemp’s superior strength; results for these studies range from 3 to 8 times stronger.) Products made from hemp will outlast their competitors by many years.
  • Not only is hemp strong, but it also holds its shape, stretching less than any other natural fiber. This prevents hemp fabric used in upholstery, demountable panels, acoustic paneling or as wallcovering from stretching out or becoming distorted with use.
  • Hemp fabric withstands, even benefits from, commercial laundering. Its inherent luster and light reflective qualities are enhanced by washing; it becomes finer and more luxurious with use. Hemp also possesses excellent soil-release properties because it sheds a microscopic layer each time it is laundered. This eliminates soiling and exposes a fresh surface. In effect, this means that hemp retains its sleek sheen every time it is washed, that it never dulls, and that it releases stains more easily than other fabrics.
  • Hemp may be known for its durability, but its comfort and style are second to none. The more hemp is used, the softer it gets: it wears in, not out, thriving on regular use and machine washing without suffering fabric degradation. Hemp actually becomes softer, more resilient and more lustrous as a result of washing.
  • Hemp’s superior absorbency, due to its porous nature, means that it is very breathable and quick drying. Hemp can absorb up to 20% its own weight while still feeling dry to the touch (vs. polyester, which can absorb a maximum of 6%). This is important in the case of any fabric that is in contact with human skin, such as sheets, as perspiration is rapidly absorbed. It feels cooler in summer yet during cool weather, air which is trapped in the fibers is warmed by the body, making it naturally warm.
  • Hemp’s absorbency allows it to accept dyes readily and retain color better than other natural fibers, including cotton.
  • Hemp has a high resistance to ultraviolet light; it will not fade or disintegrate from sunlight as quickly as other natural fibers. (Tilly Endurables introduced a new hat in 2004 after testing its hemp fabric to a UPF of 50+, the maximum ultraviolet protection rating given.[SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][/SUP]) UV damage is especially a problem for draperies and marine interiors, so hemp would be a good natural fiber choice for these applications.
  • Hemp fiber is highly resistant to rotting, and its resistance to mildew, mold and salt water led to its premier use in marine fittings: the majority of all twine, rope, ship’s sails, rigging and nets up to the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century were made from hemp. The word canvas itself is derived from cannabis.
  • Finally, any product made of hemp is fully biodegradable and easily recyclable.
Hemp as a crop is also a standout. The bio-regional model of agriculture focuses on obtaining high value for the resources of the local land, recycling the waste and end products ad infinitum and thereby creating a “closed circle” of farming and industry. Hemp is an elegant solution to the crises created by modern agribusiness and conventional cotton production because:
  • Hemp grows well without the use of chemicals: usually no pesticides or fungicides are used because it has few serious fungus or pest problems – although the degree of immunity to attacking organisms has been greatly exaggerated. Several insects and fungi specialize exclusively in hemp! But despite this, the use of pesticides and fungicides are usually unnecessary to get a good yield. No herbicides are generally used because dense plantings shade out weeds; no defoliants are needed (as they are with machine harvested cotton) because the dried foliage is not a problem for harvesting.
  • Hemp requires less water to thrive than cotton – is actually drought tolerant – and usually grows well without irrigation. Globally, 77% of cotton crops are irrigated.
  • Hemp has a fiber yield higher than any other agricultural crop, thereby requiring less land for equal yield:
Average fiber production, in pounds, per acre:
Conventional cotton
Organic cotton

[TD="width: 104"]Flax
[TD="width: 71"]Wool
[TD="width: 109"]Hemp

[TD="width: 141"]121 – 445 lbs.
[TD="width: 110"]80 - 102 lbs.
[TD="width: 104"]323 – 465 lbs.
[TD="width: 71"]62 lbs.
[TD="width: 109"]485 – 809 lbs.
Source: UK-government funded project at University of London, “Demi: design for sustainability” (www.demi.org.uk), © Kate Fletcher, 1999This yield translates into high biomass, which can be converted into fuel in the form of clean-burning alcohol, or no-sulphur man-made coal.The most widespread claim for the environmental friendliness of hemp is that it has the potential to save trees that otherwise would be harvested for the production of pulp. If hemp reduces the need to harvest trees for building materials or other products, its use as a wood substitute will tend to contribute to preserving biodiversity. Hemp may also enhance forestry management by responding to short-term fiber demand while trees reach their ideal maturation. In developing countries where fuel wood is becoming increasingly scarce and food security is a concern, the introduction of a dual-purpose crop such as hemp to meet food, shelter, and fuel needs may contribute significantly to preserving biodiversity.For more on hemp, here are some resources to get you started:Organizations
  • Journal of the International Hemp Association. Vol. 1 (1994)–Vol. 6 (1999). (Vols. 1–5 and part of Vol. 6 available online at mojo.calyx.net/~olsen/HEMP/IHA/). Superseded by Journal of Industrial Hemp.
  • Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics. Hawarth Press. Vol. 1 published 2001.
  • Journal of Industrial Hemp. Haworth Press. Vol. 1 to be published 2002
    I nearly tore a rib muscle when that dipshit tried to spark a bowl. I think the staff should use that as an example of why they need to spend more time with obvious noobs. Maybe an instructional video? Include a how to clean your pipe tutorial. I duno; I'm high bongsmilie
I thought it was very good information. There are parts I would leave and some I would take, same as any magazine, newspaper or TV show. There are multiple episodes and I watched them all. We can all selectivly believe or disbelieve based upon our own intellegience. But then I also read Mein Kamph, not because I am a Nazi, but because it is important to me to hear opinions, approaches and get all angles rather than just beleive some one else.

So I suggest if you have an opportunity to give it a listen and form your own opinions.

Most respectfully of all you folks out there. You are smart, just take it all with the spirit of knowledge and no censorship.

Cheers and be well. Peace out.
The MMJ propagandists do not want that said. They do say that cannabis is a cure all and it has no side effects, or they just forgot what the side effects are. The reality that just getting high is a valid reason to use cannabis and MMJ is a good excuse to get us what we want and make a buck.
are you joking? No one serious says cannabis is a cure all, that is bs so Im calling it. "they just forgot" high hater! :wall:

MMj was started, in CA, to help homosexual AIDS patients in the bay and LA, back in the 90s. Because marijuana is medicinal, in many cases the only option. Especially when it comes to stomaching the HIV cocktail. If you think marijuana is not medicinal, then you are wrong based on history, science, and medicine. Do some research, cannabis medicine goes back 6000+ years.

I don't know about you, but I sure as shit appreciate being legal to grow and smoke under 215. The whole state of CO is for profit, and you are bitching about the CA non profit system being used and abused for profit. So what? CA needs to go for profit and regulate like CO did, its the only way forward as evidence by the raids going down in every mmj state other than CO. You expect lifelong weed dealers turned businessmen to operate legit nonprofits? Please.

There are a million 215ers in CA. That in itself is cause for celebration. A million of us are no longer criminals due to MMj and 215.
The old dude pipe made me piss my pants.. every week this show seems its more like anti-medical marijuana then pro... sad. Had "high" hopes for this.
Here’s a couple questions
do you use bud as a way to relive stress and relax? YES
do you get high from marijuana? YES
does marijuana make you act funny or not your normal self? SOMETIMES
because marijuana is illegal and is a drug do you consider yourself a drugiewhen you smoke it? NO
are you ashamed of smoking marijuana? No
do you consider alcohol worse than marijuana? YES!!!
ON MARIJUANA or because of marijuana. Why don’t you look at the people in documentarieswhen they smoke pot and compare it to
the ones with alcohol. we don’t have to worry about making pot look bad becauseobviously that’s not the reason why its illegal
people get killed while drivingdrunk, people beat there wife in a drunkin rage, and people kill
them self mentally and physically the cause/effect of alchole is far worse thanpot and people know this.

Unfortunately yes, but I would have rather been about the legitimacy of patients and positive light on MMJ that it "could" have been. I mean we need to get the "good" word out there and ALL that has happened since the states invoked their MMJ laws is dispensaries/care givers bending the laws to extremes and getting busted, kids trying to be drug lords etc..

That is what is killing our MMJ movement. If the little tiny bit of good from MMJ would shine through the tons of hippy, punk thug drug slanging BS it might have a chance, but I don't think it will be in our life time. Sad but true.

Montana PBS did a great documentary on MMJ.

it's sad. i mean really, Eli Lily doesn't hand out samples of valium to the pharmacists. why is it ok to hand out smaples of MMJ to employees of the dispen? they make it look too recreational IMO

They all have prescriptions. So they can say they need it during the day perhaps. I guess it would depend on what it is for, but I tend to agree. I smoke a huge amount of weed. I love it to death. But I do not do it at work. This show, after the last episode, I just don't know what to say really. I did not like it much.
well thats closer to hate than truth.

Steven D is a big time activist for MMj, the biggest. Yall should do some research on the guy. His ponytails? Really? Are you ten years old now? I think he is gay yall, so how would you like him to dress? In pink with a tutu? His hair and hat? LMAO at the haterade you've been drinking.

His brother is high... der, like everyone else in the industry. Do you guys know anything about CA MMj? Its recreational under the guise of medical. Why should we pretend otherwise and discredit ourselves?

Rick's glasses? Really? Fat douche? Seriously, he is one of the most genuine respectful intelligent people in the industry. He, if anyone, shows the world that some of us are nerdy normal people who want to do our jobs to the best of our abilities. Stop drinkin' that haterade. You are way off here.

I did not like his comment about keeping it illegal for recreational purposes. But overall I think the show is pretty reflective of how I imagine the reality is from what I've heard and seen, despite not having spent much time in CA. Ultimately - are these people in this show doing anything that is really awful and terrible? I mean these folks all seem like good people for the most part, so my hope is people's prejudices won't cause them to overlook this. They HAVE illustrated just how beneficial the plant can be for some as well IMO. Namely the 4 year old with epilepsy. That kind of stuff is golden. And there is plenty of that, so I hope they focus more on it in future shows.
I did not like his comment about keeping it illegal for recreational purposes. But overall I think the show is pretty reflective of how I imagine the reality is from what I've heard and seen, despite not having spent much time in CA. Ultimately - are these people in this show doing anything that is really awful and terrible? I mean these folks all seem like good people for the most part, so my hope is people's prejudices won't cause them to overlook this. They HAVE illustrated just how beneficial the plant can be for some as well IMO. Namely the 4 year old with epilepsy. That kind of stuff is golden. And there is plenty of that, so I hope they focus more on it in future shows.
I think that was the last show.

And coming out against recreational legalization is an epic fail.

I saw ONE episode.
And I HATE that guy...

He asks weed to pick out his clothes for him, he says he has a relationship with weed...

He wants to make CBD more dominant, and make strains with possibly ZERO THC??????

Why the FUCK is he trying to SILENCE weed, if he claims to love it and have a relationship with it????

dumb ass.
You should be a politician! I've never read so much and felt so neutral unless I was reading some political propaganda newsletter! You've said a lot an acutally spoken the truth but you've taken no side...kinda like Newt G., he's good at that, thats why he's still alive! LoL,

I thought it was very good information. There are parts I would leave and some I would take, same as any magazine, newspaper or TV show. There are multiple episodes and I watched them all. We can all selectivly believe or disbelieve based upon our own intellegience. ?But then I also read Mein Kamph, not because I am a Nazi, but because it is important to me to hear opinions, approaches and get all angles rather than just beleive some one else.

So I suggest if you have an opportunity to give it a listen and form your own opinions.

Most respectfully of all you folks out there. You are smart, just take it all with the spirit of knowledge and no censorship.

Cheers and be well. Peace out.

I saw ONE episode.
And I HATE that guy...

He asks weed to pick out his clothes for him, he says he has a relationship with weed...

He wants to make CBD more dominant, and make strains with possibly ZERO THC??????

Why the FUCK is he trying to SILENCE weed, if he claims to love it and have a relationship with it????

dumb ass.

you saw ONE episode and hate the guy lol

sounds like someone truely needs a REALITY check

not EVERYONE uses Med Marijuana to get "" HIGH ""

take the little boy with seizures for example....


its comments like that which set the ENTIRE movement back