Weed + Viagra, yes or no?

Wow you're either very bored or have very hurt feelings. Listen buddy, I'm sorry about your sense of humor. I didn't intent to compel you into writing an essay. Weird flex but ok.

And the only service you provided was being a self important cunt about something completely inconsequential, so congrats?
Oh my. Looks like you've passed Go and proceeded directly to "violate TOS".

You mean like that 1000 word salad you wrote because you are upset I didn't like your attempt at a joke? Irony is lost on you.
Swing and miss. You're just being a contrarian now. You never had a point beyond getting likes from the peanut gallery, because you live on this board lol.

The word "salad" was "essay" before your editation.
Yes, I changed it to be more insulting. And accurate. I didn't read it beyond the first paragraph.
You spelled insulating wrong.
Cmon. Can't you grasp any better than that? Try landing one.
You go for the bait with such reliable vigor that I've landed you coupla times already. I deserve a merit badge.


ceterum censeo: you spelled pseudointellectual wrong.