Weed tea/compost tea question


Active Member
So, compost tea I understand. Get some compost, put it in a bucket, along with water (decholorinated) and a sugar, like molasses, and use an aquarium air pump with an air stone to generate bubbles, the bubbles keep the water oxygenated. The molasses (or other sugar) feed the bacteria in the compost, which multiply in the oxyganated water, using the AEROBIC conditions. Then after 2 days or so you drain the water and water your plants with it.

But that always seemed like a zero sum game to me as far as minerals go - sure, your tea with have some minerals in it, but that is just the soluble minerals you stripped out of your compost. If you were to subsequently use your compost in your plants, it would be out those soluble minerals. Zero sum game. And sure, it brings beneficial bacteria with it, but I have some aquaponics stuff going on, so I could always just take some water out of those tanks and they will naturally have tons of beneficial bacteria in it.

So, again, not much of a real win to me.

But weed tea, that is something different. According to basically everything I have watched, you make it by basically putting some weeds (or any plant parts, really) in a bucket with water, do NOT use a bubbler, do NOT use a sugar source like molasses, and just stir it every couple of days. Then, people differ, but some say to give it like two weeks, others say a month. But this is supposed to work be ANAEROBIC conditions. Which are apparently much harder to achieve and happens much more slowly.

I like the weed tea idea because its not a zero sum game basically - as I am out walking I can pull up weeds and plants and what not on public ground or from people's yards. Then I make that into weed tea, then use that tea to fertilize my fruits/veggies, and that is valuable minerals coming into my gardens for basically free.

So, my question is this - why does EVERYONE talking about weed tea talk about it using ANAEROBIC conditions, with no air source, and also no sugar source for fuel, when that seems to take FAR LONGER. Why not just turn your weeds into a tea using AREOBIC conditions - weeds, water, sugar source (molassis), then the process takes like 2 days instead of 2 weeks or longer?

Thanks in advance for anyone with serious knowledge or thoughts.

Maybe you misunderstand the reason for giving active aerated compost teas as opposed to fermented plant extracts. AACTs are used to promote and maintain populations of microbes. There is npk value in an aerated compost tea but it is usually meager.
FPEs provide organic materials that can be quickly broken down by the microbes in the soil and absorbed by the plants root system once fully decomposed. By making a tea you are starting the process of breaking down the organic materials so decomposition will go even faster once in an active soil. You are feeding the plants indirectly by providing the soil microbes with a source of food whereas in an aerated tea you are providing the microbes themselves.
So can you brew a tea that is somewhere in the middle? Yes but it takes so long for your neighbors crabgrass and dandelions to break down it will go anaerobic before it breaks down because the fermentation process itself involves anaerobic microbes. 2 days of bubbling any green material is just getting it wet. Anaerobic microbes promote root rot and all kinds of other problems. In an outdoor setting it’s probably fine due to rain wash and high soil activity but you wouldn’t want this indoors. Go with an aact or a fpe but they don’t play well together.