Weed tastes like crap!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, first grow... I think I might have over fertilized at the end.

I was hitting it with full strength cha ching from fox farms 3 times with just straight water inbetween, then just straight water for the last 2 weeks.

The weed tastes soo bad... some of it was quick dried but some of it was hang dried for about 5 days. I haven't cured it yet, but this is the worst weed I've ever tasted so I don't think that's the issue. It doesn't even taste like weed :(

What can I do with it? Would turning it into hash help? I'm hoping that the cure will help a little bit but its not even really smokable the way it is... does it sound like I over fertilized or could it be something else?


Active Member
if your harvesting a 5 oz or more plant i would dry buds for 7 days and i would cure for at least a week before even tasting the smoke...think of it like a fine wine...buds get better with time.

2 weeks is plenty of time to flush so i don't think it is buildup...


Well-Known Member
How does the weed smell? You'd really have to be hitting it HARD with the nutes to get poor tasting bug, and even then it may just be a touch harsh. My guess is the genetics weren't good.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to explain what it tastes like... it just has no taste except for smoke, kinda like if you were to take a rolling paper and pack a bowl with just the paper. Or smoke some cardboard.

Also when I burn it in the bong/pipe the ashes are completely black..

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Hey all, first grow... I think I might have over fertilized at the end.

I was hitting it with full strength cha ching from fox farms 3 times with just straight water inbetween, then just straight water for the last 2 weeks.

The weed tastes soo bad... some of it was quick dried but some of it was hang dried for about 5 days. I haven't cured it yet, but this is the worst weed I've ever tasted so I don't think that's the issue. It doesn't even taste like weed :(

What can I do with it? Would turning it into hash help? I'm hoping that the cure will help a little bit but its not even really smokable the way it is... does it sound like I over fertilized or could it be something else?


Well-Known Member
The strain was supposedly bubba kush.... the weed smells kinda like menthol... thats the best i can describe it..

Also I put some in a vaporizer and the first hit was delicious.... once we got to the 3-4 hit of the bowl it started to lose its taste..

I thought I got it from a pretty reputable seed bank.... then again one did hermie and had a bunch of seeds so i chopped it and turned it into hash... I find the odd seed in bud from the other plants as well... I thought I may have stressed them out by over fertilizing and that made the one hermie... but now I'm thinking it maybe was the genetics??


Active Member
try bottleing it for a few weeks...remember to change the air in the bottle once a day by taking buds out and putting them back in....and if its from to much fert then it will taste peppery and the ash when you smoke it will be black and hard and thats something you cant fix so better off making hash..


Well-Known Member
People have already told you. You didn't overfertilize, you're missing a very important step in the process. You HAVE to cure it to get decent tasting bud. Chemical processes still need to happen. Suck it up and do it.


Active Member
it will most likely taste peppery and the ash will be black and hard when smoking if it was over ferted..better off making hash if thats the case..but before making it into hash try bottling it for a few weeks and remember to take buds out and put them back in once a day..

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Its hard to explain what it tastes like... it just has no taste except for smoke, kinda like if you were to take a rolling paper and pack a bowl with just the paper. Or smoke some cardboard.

Also when I burn it in the bong/pipe the ashes are completely black..
The ash is supposed to turn white. It will not turn white if it has moisture in it.
You gotta cure it for a few weeks man. you GOT TO.


Well-Known Member

I read great reviews on all kinds of independent forums about them so I thought it was safe... now it looks like the site is down.... awesome

Will curing it really make it go from tasting like cardboard to good weed? I didn't think it was that drastic?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to cure it either way.... I figured most of the bud I bought elsewhere wasn't cured and it did not taste near this bad..

I hope you guys are right

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
No one sells wet bud. Everyone cures it in some way. Ive had bud taste like the harshest smoke in my life worse then cigs then let it cure and it was smooth and tangy.

Don't doubt all these minds on RIU telling you exactly what needs to be done (:

If you really want taste after its cured for a week or two throw some orange peels in with it for a few days it will absorb the citrus like taste.


Well-Known Member
i'll throw in my 2 cents.

weed normally tastes really bad if you cut it too early or too late, don't trim it well, or the ferts.

if you say it's not the ferts, then i think you 'undertrimmed'

i know a couple of fellas who don't trim enough and their weed is always sub-par, even with a pretty sweet setup.

you gotta ripen that shit in a air proof jar too. or CURING it.

leave it in there for 2 weeks, burping it every day, it'll do wonders.


Active Member
What you're describing sounds like uncured weed, no big thing. Two things will happen for you, one you'll get used to it because from time to time you're probably going to need to smoke it when your stash is low. Or your stash will get so good you'll have plenty of weed/time to cure what follows properly then really enjoy it. I've found that 10-15 days is where it starts to get real good.