Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread. I then googled it and sure enough, it's a real thing. Several articles from police to coroners popped up quoting them about finding fentanyl in weed. No deaths so far, but where there is poison, there will be death.
Fentanyl isn't forbid. Forbid is a pesticide and not even the worst of them. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is very powerful. It causes OD deaths by basically shutting down your respiratory system.
One article said that heroin cost about $65k a kilo and is fraught with risk since it is smuggled in by cartels and the DEA is focusing on it. Fentanyl can be ordered directly from China for $2k a kilo and is hard to distinguish from other chemicals coming in.
So it's being cut into everything from heroin to cocaine to apparently weed because it's cheap and powerful and it adds to the effects of other drugs, making them appear to be more potent.
It can also be deadly, and it is said to be responsible for thousands of od deaths in heroin users. The people who add it are scum. And the dea doesn't seem to care. You would think there would be a special judicial hell for people dealing in fentanyl. But nope.
There is a strain of law enforcement that believes drug users should die. Just like people thought AIDS was a punishment from god. People can be sick fucks.