Weed smells and tastes like grass


Active Member
Long story short I had to cut my plants a little early because of time restrictions. Anyways I'm having some trouble with my purple kush I let it hang dry for 5 1/2 days until it seemed almost too dry then stuck it in a jar for curing. I have been curing and burping the jar for 4 days now and it still has that "grassy" smell to it. I've never grown a kush so I was unsure if thats just how they smell so I smoked it last night. :lol: it didn't burn too well and even though I smoked double the amount I normally do I just got a light buzz.

Will potency increase as it drys more?

How can I fix the grassy smell/taste?

Any advice is appreciated

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Harvesting early will give you grassy tasting, low potency weed.

There wont be much you can do about it, although a good curing might help some.

4 days in the jar would probably not be enough time to make much difference.

Might take a week or two for the harshness to fade a bit.


Active Member
I had two plants I cut. The Blue dream came out good but the purple kush sucks to be honest and like you said not much I can do about it. So I'm thinking of selling it to someone else. What if I went down to a dispensary picked up some really really potent stuff and ground it together with kush would that help the potency or just make it taste worse?


Well-Known Member
You need to properly cure it first. Potency, taste and smell are all improved through curing, 4 days is nothing, try like 4 weeks.....


Well-Known Member
4 weeks will help, but harvesting early, well your not going to get max potency nor flavor. Flavor really explodes in the last few weeks of 12/12
You need to properly cure it first. Potency, taste and smell are all improved through curing, 4 days is nothing, try like 4 weeks.....


In my experience, the Kush (Mostly Sativa) takes more time to mature. The blue dream (mostly Indica) may have been riper, though they were grown next to each other.


Active Member
Blue dream is a Sativa, Kush is indica but yes the kush does take longer to mature. I checked the trichomes before I did and it showed smoky so I figured it was ok. Ah guess I was wrong :-?


Well-Known Member
dude the blue dream shoulda been way behind the purple kush.....blue dream is a sativa/haze it takes a lil while longer to reach the peak:)


Active Member
dude the blue dream shoulda been way behind the purple kush.....blue dream is a sativa/haze it takes a lil while longer to reach the peak:)
I know! Weird right? :shock:blue trich.jpgpuple trich.jpg Thats what I thought but I checked the trichomes and blue dream was smoky with amber and kush was smoky heres the pics


Active Member
I don't know what happened :lol: the only thing I think of is maybe the bushmaster nutrient I gave them changed something. (Took one dose for blue, 3 for purple to stop vertical stretching) I haven't smoked the blue dream yet (will soon) but gave it to a couple friends they said it was club quality which is awesome since this is my first grow. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well, in terms of trichome development you dont seem to have harvested to early, If a head buzz is what they are after people will chop on cloudy trichomes, not even waiting for the ambering much less the final few weeks when the plant really starts to reach its full potential swelling up.


Active Member
chilllll out .
have a cigar .
you harvested right .
your strain just takes longer to cure
and get your kushy taste back .
let time heal your broken spirit.
i heard that last line off a movie (;


Well-Known Member
Alright, first things first.

The deal with drying your buds, is to dry it slowly but not to fast. If you dry your buds too fast it will make your buds smell like pine needles, hay, or taste bad. Drying the buds too slow in this first step is not a good idea ether because of mold and mildew will attack them. You should ALWAYS test the stems.. which will tell you when its dry enough to start the curing process. The stem should break with minimum pressure.. and you should hear a nice crisp break/snap sound, which when this happens.. and it snaps.. it is then time to start the curing process. If the stem doesn't break.. and just bends.. then we know that there is still too much moisture inside the stem and inside the buds.. and in that case.. you should let them dry for a few more days.. until you get that 'crisp snap' from the stem(s). But again, until the stem will break.. the buds are will have to much moisture to start the curing process. I mean, sure you could go ahead and start the curing process.. however! Your just asking for mold/bacteria to invade your buds... So i suggest waiting until the stems break with minimum pressure.

Hope that helped you out man.. better luck next time!
