Well-Known Member
I think this is most likely. The weed probably had little or nothing to do with it, other than coincidental timing. I've felt the exact same thing you described a couple of times but pot was never involved. Last time someone DID call 911 and when the paramedics showed up my blood sugar was all out of wack and my blood pressure was through the roof!!! They sent me to the hospital because they thought I might have a stroke or heart attack it was so high!!! They never could determine what caused that episode, but we (me and the docs) came to the conclussion that it was primarily due to not eating like I should have (I was real busy that day and didn't have time to eat) and a sort of anxiety/panic attack. Also, there was a possible inner ear issue because it seemed like my balance and equilibrium just went to shit. it has happened to me 3 times in the last 20 years and EVERY time it hit me when I made a sudden move. I would be fine standing there then go tu turn around or turn my head to look at something and WHAM -- I'm on the floor and the room is spinning at a million miles an hour.Sorry to bring up the old thread but I just found this and wanted to say something.
Ive had several experiences very close to what ur describing just on weed.
If u felt like u were gonna pass out it was mostly like due to either: low blood sugar, low blood pressure, or high anxiety most likely caused by a panic attack. It could have also been a temporary bad reaction to the marijuana or tobacco/nicotine for whatever reason.
I personally have problems with low blood pressure, it really depends on the day sometimes Ill be completely fine and other days not good. My advice would be to eat regularly, meaning every 3-4 hours, it helped me a lot. Another thing is with the low blood pressure if ur about to pass out u can hear loud whistling noises and have a whiteout vision or blackout vision and u can go def for a while why this is going on. It feels scary but its really just ur body regulating itself.
If this happens again try to eat and drink something and either sit down or lie down and just wait it out. Just take the high as a loss and deal with it for however long it takes. If u can fall asleep during it even better. U cant overdose on weed but there are some situations and health problems that are effected negatively by weed and u can either cure them or work around them, but its really nothing to worry about it wont kill u or even hurt u really. It just feels scary while its going on.
Diet/blood pressure/blood sugar/partial blockage of the inner ear canal could all cause what you described. And too much nicotene too fast could possibly cause it too (give up the cancer sticks dude --- why smoke it if you aren't even gonna get high from it??), but pot alone won't do that to you. If it happens again DEFINITELY go get yourself checked out, and don't worry about the docs --- they aren't going to say anything to anyone about you smoking pot, but they NEED to know.
Give up the cigs and eat better, If it happens again there is something more serious than simply being overly stoned going on. Just my $.02 worth!!!