Weed on a plane..

I actually do look sort of like the average stoner, but i would never change my appearance for anyone. Not even to stay out of jail.
They are not only considered as an extreme, since i myself have had 2 go through it.

I hate to discriminate, but do you look like the stoner/sketchy character type?

If you do not attract attention, you will be fine.

Make sure you wear no metal, so the metal scanner has no reason to go off, leaving them no reason to search you.

Searches are only considered as an extreme, so chill out!
If your going to do that why not just pack the cig with the pot instead of rolling one?

I buy a pack of Marlboro cigs. Remove all the tobacco from the cigarette, leaving you with the intact paper tube and filter. Roll up some weed with one of those cigarette rollers and joint paper. Simply slide the rolled up weed into the empty cig casing and, viola: weed wrapped like a cigarette. Just make sure you have rolled enough for the trip. Keep the other cigs in the pack to keep that nasty cig smell.
Never had a problem with it. Just carry it in your check on, shirt pocket, whatever.
Everybody smokes cigs!
if u had gotten caught wouldnt you of felt stupid for gettin 7 yrs just for a lil sacc of weed and a pipe?

I've flown with a res filled pipe, a little sac of weed AND a pocket knife (forgot it was in my backpack when I packed. And found it once I landed). They never saw or said anything to me the entire time. I flew from CO, to OH and then back from OH to CO WITH a res filled pipe, weed and a pocket knife. You just gotta be smarter than security!
on locked up abroad a lady got arrested for smuggling multiple cartons in, but they said it was legal to bring up to one carton.
Did they lie?:(

yea but its illegal to smuggle tobacco products across country because of taxes (at least in the states) I tried to take a carton of cigs of the plane a while back and they got confiscated but may be they wouldn't care if it was only a pack. I dunno
myth busters proved that coffee grounds dont work

seal it up real good in two bags then put it into another bag with coffe grounds then seal it up good again then hotglue gun it to bottom of your boxers my cousin brings about ten gramms on flight all the time one time he flew with some in his suitcase and didnt know it
dogs cant smell through lead. but someone told me they can smell the lead itself, so they would think its a gun and start barkin...

I’m with you on that one! Hope your buddy your going to see knows some folks!

I have no doubt that most these tricks will work most of the time, but only takes one time to ruin a trip.

I travel a good bit, and quite often will see K-9's in the airports, and I dont know any method to beat them.

Good luck, keep us posted!
fuck all the smoke and mirrors my friend.. do as mentioned before and strap/tape to your thigh. ive takn sevral flights and nvr went potless on any. ive broguht from a few grams to a few ounces on the plane..the long as you dont reeek like pot or your eyes are practily closed and bloodshot youll be fine. use a sunglass pouch and string it up to your jeans button or tape it w.e works,just dont smell like herb! and have it somewere on your person in an area thats the least liky to be patted down, i.e your crotch lol goodluck
I did this once---I emptied some cigars of the fill tobacco and re stuffed my bud into it. I then threw them amongst the other cigars in my travel humidor and did it as carry on and went threw. The challenges you face are smuggling instead of possession (worth it?) Cannot you buy some on the other end of the tunnel?
Putting it in the luggage is fine too but risk--- handlers stealing it. Use a 'mock' shaving gel or likes of canister if you are going to bury it in your luggage.
I think the best way is to roll a pak of smokes and keep in your shirt pocket and just like high school leave em in your shirt pocket and walk thru the quad as though you are late for class. i leave my cash and smokes in my pocket when traveling and have yet to be stopped. Although if loose or not rolled in cig form that pack of smokes could look like loose 'something' that should be checked/ like c-4 taped to your thigh but it was just a smashed 1/4 of the stikee ikee@!
alright man i'm new to the site, so a dodgy first post! but can you get resin? just chuck an ounce in your case/bag no worries, i'm from uk and we have these scanner things you walk through now- thigh strapping is a one way ticket to nick over here
I've never done it myself, though I'm gonna try sneaking some onto an international flight.

They don't make you take off your shoes and pat you down that much in Europe, though I'm still gonna go the safe way and just empty out a few cigarettes, fill em with weed and cover the tops with tobacco.

Even under an xray, they won't look that suspicious since the tobacco and weed will look alike (being crushed and all). I mean it isn't like putting weed in a bottle of shampoo, that will stick out like a sore thumb under an x-ray and that's not good...

I'll simply put the pack somewhere in the carry-on luggage and voila. Nothing suspicious, just my pack of smokes.

Oh, and dogs are less likely so sniff your carry on luggage, compared to the check in stuff.

Ok so here is my method, I used this when flying into the US from Amsterdam post 911. Took my Old Spice deodorant tube screwed it all the way up till the deodorant stick is able to be removed from the tube.(the deodorant stick sits on top of a piece of plastic that is connected to the bottom of the tube) all you have to do is unscrew the piece of plastic and you have a hollow tube. Put your herb into a baggie seal it tight! Rub deodorant all over the baggie. Shove the baggie inside the deodorant tube and then re-assemble everything. Screw the deodorant all the way down so it looks normal. I carried this on my carry on inside my backback with a toothbrush and toothpaste along with all my other normal carry on things. Worked for me. Hope this helps!
I had a friend bring some awesome hash back from OR on a flight. He just wrapped it tight, and taped it to his leg, right near his nutsack. Walk on and act natural.
I usually pick up a pack of black and milds and empty the tobacco out of a few of them and stuff them with ground up bud. make sure to leave a few with tobacco still in it. Then just put them back in the pack and stuff that pack in the middle of your check in bag. i do this about once a month and have never been busted. Good luck!
Least sketchy method I have found is to bake brownies (or whatever you want really) with what you want to take, and just bring them in your carry-on like you would any other snack you took on a plane. Works really well on international flights, can just munch the whole trip and stay loaded.
i tried that when i was in highschool, and i got caught.

Ok so here is my method, I used this when flying into the US from Amsterdam post 911. Took my Old Spice deodorant tube screwed it all the way up till the deodorant stick is able to be removed from the tube.(the deodorant stick sits on top of a piece of plastic that is connected to the bottom of the tube) all you have to do is unscrew the piece of plastic and you have a hollow tube. Put your herb into a baggie seal it tight! Rub deodorant all over the baggie. Shove the baggie inside the deodorant tube and then re-assemble everything. Screw the deodorant all the way down so it looks normal. I carried this on my carry on inside my backback with a toothbrush and toothpaste along with all my other normal carry on things. Worked for me. Hope this helps!
you ppl r dangerouslu luccy.

I usually pick up a pack of black and milds and empty the tobacco out of a few of them and stuff them with ground up bud. make sure to leave a few with tobacco still in it. Then just put them back in the pack and stuff that pack in the middle of your check in bag. i do this about once a month and have never been busted. Good luck!
This was started by a gy wantin 2 smuggle dank buds. if he cooks it in the weed whats the point?
you could of just cooked shitty pot and got the same effect for less money.

Least sketchy method I have found is to bake brownies (or whatever you want really) with what you want to take, and just bring them in your carry-on like you would any other snack you took on a plane. Works really well on international flights, can just munch the whole trip and stay loaded.