weed on 2 broke girls tv show just now


Well-Known Member
the cook said he needed weed for his chronic erection and the black hair girl asked him where it was and the old guy came out of the back room with a bunch of smoke and said "mmmm a french fry" so he was smoking it all.


Well-Known Member
Yea dude it's been referenced in another episode too when they were making Sam's Brownies with mj. Sam, the dark haired girl is sooo hot.


Well-Known Member
hell ya, i hope the ball keeps rolling in 2013 and more progress is made with cannabis. till then party on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Why was this such an amazing event that it had to be bumped 3 times?

ZOMG! A pot reference on a shitty TV show! Haven't seen that before.... Oh wait, yes I have... a lot.


Well-Known Member
Worst, most unfunny show ever. No wonder America is getting stupider, watching crap like that
I balance it out. Last night watched three hours worth of historic programming on Sparta. That was a fucked up culture. Eugenics, S&M, male naked wresting in oil, the story the movie was made about. Also the most desired women were the ones least talked about. Their slaves enabled their lifestyle and once the Helots were free Sparta fell. (this was after the Persians were pushed back from their occupation) So far was their fall infact that they were reenacting their glory days for the entertainment of the first Roman Caesar. Not a dignified ending to a barbaric culture so glorified and yet paralleled today. (damn I'm high and going to bed)