Weed isn't getting me very high, I don't smoke often, what's the problem?


Active Member
Okay, so the first time I smoked after a YEAR LONG break, I smoked a gram (with a joint) and got moderately high.

So about a week after that, I smoke again. This time, I smoked another gram. I didn't get that high.

So yesterday, (a few days after the second time), I smoked another gram, and took 3mg of xanax. Well, I could barely walk, and I couldn't talk right. But I think it was the xanax.

So what's the problem? I just bought 6 grams. (Regular weed).

How much should I smoke to get high? I always thought a gram would do it, but now I'm reading that a gram should last me for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Get hold of some nice pukka stuff jack herer or some nice blueberry.The stoned that i have ever felt though was on arjons ultra haze#1 shit would put a horse to sleep...................................tyke..........................................................................


Well-Known Member
You are smoking ditch weed. Smoke a gram of a strong weed like an AK strain...you'd be buggin' out.


Active Member
Thats why i dont buy anything without hairs or crystals. You my friend, atleast need to make sure its green and not brown.