Weed is too dry to smoke?


Ok so I have some weed...not bad weed, but its just mids. It seems like it is too dry to smoke, but I don't know if that is really the problem. It feels really dry.... but so when I smoke in a bowl the fire doesnt really get to the middle of the bud, it just singes the edges and smokes around the nug. I cant really light it right. When I smoke the same bud in a joint (grinded up) I just cant light it. It burns the paper and again it kinda singes the edges of the weed but it doesnt start the burning through the whole joint. If you suck the flame (like with a bowl) you can light the weed in the joint but it goes out right away and you have to keep relighting it.

Do you guys think this is from dry weed or maybe weed that wasn't cured right? What do you think is causing it....I know the weed can't really light when I smoke it in joints or bowls....grinded, kinda broken up, or in whole nugs. Nothing really works..

And its just this bag this has never happened with any other stuff.


I didnt grow it so i dont know how it was cured...the part about it not burning might make it sound too wet, but in person it really looks too dry. It isnt really sticky at all and it feels dryer, doesnt really feel "wet".


Well-Known Member
I didnt grow it so i dont know how it was cured...the part about it not burning might make it sound too wet, but in person it really looks too dry. It isnt really sticky at all and it feels dryer, doesnt really feel "wet".
If it's too dry, when you squeeze it the nugs will turn to powder...If it feels dry on the outside, but you squeeze it, and it just compresses, it hasn't been dried thoroughly or cured at all. At least thats what it sounds like to me. Weed that is too dry usually burns up in one hit.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I didnt grow it so i dont know how it was cured...the part about it not burning might make it sound too wet, but in person it really looks too dry. It isnt really sticky at all and it feels dryer, doesnt really feel "wet".
maybe it wasnt flushed ...i had weed before that was dry but the joint wouldnt stay lit, and even bowls would go out....my guess was alota nutes and no flushing


New Member
sounds like someone hang dried it for a few days then just sold it. Put it in a mason jar for a day or so, open it up and it should get the moister out of the middle and into the outside. Do that for a few days and it should be good to go.

Also zigzag blues are good for wet weed.


If you guys think it hasnt been cured right / flushed or any of these ideas, is there something I can do to test it or get it back to being smokable?


New Member
Put it in a mason jar for a day or so, open it up and it should get the moister out of the middle and into the outside. Do that for a few days and it should be good to go.
^^^thats what you do. Leave the jar open a few hours each day, then close it tight. This will draw the moisture outta the middle very quickly


Well-Known Member
sounds like someone hang dried it for a few days then just sold it. Put it in a mason jar for a day or so, open it up and it should get the moister out of the middle and into the outside. Do that for a few days and it should be good to go.

Also zigzag blues are good for wet weed.
If you guys think it hasnt been cured right / flushed or any of these ideas, is there something I can do to test it or get it back to being smokable?
He said it, jar it up.
To me it sounds like someone dried/cured it to fast. The samething happened my first grow. The outside was bone dry and the inside was wet as fuck. My buddy didn't flush one of his plants and trust me you would know. It makes it taste like fucking garbage and the smoke is harsh as shit.

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's been suggested, but if it's too dry you could throw something inside the jar with it that's moist. I've thrown in a stem from another plant in there for a couple hours and then taken it out, throws a bit of moisture in but not too much


Well-Known Member
I'm stoned this morning, so...FYI, but how can it be to dry to smoke??...to dry for your liking ,yes...over dried to cripy pile of dust,yes...but to dry to smoke??? WTF...I've smoke nugs 5 years old off my hunting camper floor that were dryer than a tumblewed...it still smoked, burned up alittle quick, but still smoked.
But do the jar thing...it may moisten it back up if it's not too old. Happy smokin!


Well-Known Member
crispy outside and wet inside?

most likely.

just dry it for a day or 2 (or somewhere hot if you are in a hurry (the hotter the more hurry but then you´ll actually reduce the weight and potency of the bud the hotter you go)

unless there is some shit in that bud (unlikely)

but dry bud, crumbles and burns real fast.


Well-Known Member
I think this is why alot of people use herbal mixers- every so often you get bud that just doesn't burn right...

So sue me, I use tobacco XP

The mason jar (or a tin) sounds like a great idea. My dealer wanted to test out his badly flushed/cured cheese on me and stashing it away for a week did improve the situation.


Well-Known Member
It won't dry in a jar, he has to air dry it some more in front of a fan first...

he said it won't burn in a jay.
Jon, if it was dried too fast it needs to go into jars to even out the moisture content throughout the bud...Yes, it needs air to dry, but I was referring to the method described a prior post. When weed dries fast, the outside gets crispy and the inside stays moist, so jaring it up distributes the moisture evenly through the weed, then you take it out of the jars to dry a little more, jar it back up, and burp the jars every now and then till the weed is at the preferred smoking consistancy.....But thanks for taking my quote out of context and making me look dumb. :)


Well-Known Member
Put it on a screen in front of a fan for a day.

Then try to burn it in a jay. It should burn good then...
On a screen in front of a fan? So you want his weed to completely dry crispy and have no chance of a proper cure? I understand if it's only like an 1/8th for smoking on, but you could probably just leave it out for a couple hours in that case.