weed inducing schitzophrenia?

the other night, one of my friends invited her friend over to smoke some weed with us. we got a 1 gram joint & a bowl. we smoked all of it.

at first, this guy was funny as fuck, you know, just chillin' out & being funny. but after he coughed his lungs out from the joint, he fell to the ground & was just OUT THERE. he first started talking about living in a bathroom & how he would put a plasma screen TV on top of the bathtub. that wasn't weird, but then he would get really excited & go into deep depression & start crying.

he did that a few times, or he would get really angry about something & talk louder. he would drift out of it eventually though. there was a couple of time where he would cover his eyes & say things like "GET ME OUT OF THIS AIRPLANE!" or he would act like he's talking to someone that wasn't there.

when he walked out of my bathroom, he stumble/walked out, did the robot to straighten himself out, shook his head in confusion then said "now i don't know where i am".

i'm not sure if he was too stoned or what, but i've NEVER EVER seen someone act that way from smoking 1.5 grams. i know it wasn't laced because me & my friend were fine. i mean, we were HIGH AS FUCK, but we fine... we just got weird vibes from this guy (in a freaky way).

so what do you guys think? :?


Well-Known Member
maybe just socially weird while high? or was he trying to act high and really wasn't? I don't know that doesn't sound too normal, especially the part about crying. How can one cry while high? haha
me & kia were thinking maybe he didn't smoke as much & he just got WAY higher than he should have. i've never seen anyone cry from being too high (well, unless they're crying from laughing too hard). but this guy would be totally fine, then get excited about something, then muble something out & start crying. he just seemed really depressed. he would say really weird things & act like he was talking to people that weren't there. i know he wasn't trying act high, i KNOW this. i mean, when he wasn't high, he was a funny dude. he acted normal, but he did have the tendency to mention sex a lot. i wish i could have been in his mind because from the looks of it, he was seeing a bunch of weird shit, hearing weird shit (he was on a fucking airplane at one point of the high).


Well-Known Member
Lol the first time I got stoned was on par (no, fuck that, it exceeded) with the first time i took acid in terms of confusion and just being straight fucked... And I took acid alone with no idea of what it was the first time.

So it could be that...

BUT cannabis is known to bring out schizzoness in people who are allready predispossed to have it... I.e. it wil show it, not cause it.

LOL ominous... my post number 2012.


Active Member
When I restarted the bud after forever I inadvertently got my hands on the chronic not knowing what it was. Total freakout, thought I was dying, time kept resetting, music coming from the fan, from the walls.

He probably just got high as fuck- not everyone knows what the expect you know? It's only fun when you know you're safe and are expecting such results.
lmao, then i'm pretty sure he was way too high. because i was pretty fucked up as well, i mean, REALLY fucking high. i think the reason why i was getting scared was mainly because i was high/paranoid. i mean, i have never ever seen someone act like that from smoking too much pot. he rarely laughed, he would just cry. it tripped us all out. i don't think i'll ever be able to get over that night. i don't think he remember's it happening either... i guess when he was walking home he saw "mooses, zombies, ninjas & shit".

lmao, i was a really fucking weird night.


Well-Known Member
Wow he cried? Damn. I'm no doctor, but that guy sounds like he had a mental break down. Hope he's doing better. Maybe he just needed to cry and weed was an outlet.

Your story reminds me of a guy I know. As soon as the guy smokes a bowl, he starts talking about death, swears he sees little green leprechauns, and thinks it's funny to go outside and yell out how high he is even after being warned that the neighbors can hear. It's like dude, relax its just weed, not LCD. I swear I think the guy is full of shit and just doesn't know how to act. I try to stay away from idiots like that. They only fuck up your high. What's best is to leave them at home and let them sort out their own inner demons.

Don't bring drama to the circle.


Well-Known Member
people who either have schizophrenia or are prone to getting schizo are not advised to try pot. it can bring on a lot of the hallucinations and stuff. but he could have just been really really baked. i came inside the other night after a bowl and i was tripping right out. i came in the house and i knew i was in my house, but it felt like i was somewhere completely different. i used to take little "weed trips" all the time with some good bud. if i can think of a place in my head when im baked i usually end up thinking im actually at that place...haha. like fairyland haha...long story. but he probably just hadnt smoked some real good bud before, or he hadnt in a long time.


Well-Known Member
Lol the first time I got stoned was on par (no, fuck that, it exceeded) with the first time i took acid in terms of confusion and just being straight fucked... And I took acid alone with no idea of what it was the first time.

So it could be that...

BUT cannabis is known to bring out schizzoness in people who are allready predispossed to have it... I.e. it wil show it, not cause it.

LOL ominous... my post number 2012.
Yeah, it intensifies the schizzoness that is underlying. its probably something he can control while sober but apparently not while high


Well-Known Member
Wow he cried? Damn. I'm no doctor, but that guy sounds like he had a mental break down. Hope he's doing better. Maybe he just needed to cry and weed was an outlet.

Your story reminds me of a guy I know. As soon as the guy smokes a bowl, he starts talking about death, swears he sees little green leprechauns, and thinks it's funny to go outside and yell out how high he is even after being warned that the neighbors can hear. It's like dude, relax its just weed, not LCD. I swear I think the guy is full of shit and just doesn't know how to act. I try to stay away from idiots like that. They only fuck up your high. What's best is to leave them at home and let them sort out their own inner demons.

Don't bring drama to the circle.
Reminds me of this guy I used to smoke with sometimes who would not shut the fuck up with annoying ass questions. This kid was desperate (for a smoke buddy, I'm guessing) and I was desperate (for weed). He would smoke me out 5:1, it was nice. After he OD'd on beans, I quit smoking weed with him. I believe he went cold turkey though, good for him.

Avoid the fucktards and annoying mother fuckers. In my case, this guy was both!

edit: also reminds me of people who are like "Dude, how high are you right now?" "Bro, remember how faded we got?" "We were so fucked up!"
i remember him saying just randomly "i should call my mom right now", LMAO, sorry to laugh, but it was just so fucking weird. we had to make sure he didn't call anyone. we he was on my couch, he kept talking about how we were awesome for smoking him down. he said "if i didn't come here i wouldn't have gotten baaaaaaaaaaaked". when he got home, he seemed really happy that we smoked him down... i mean, he didn't act like he was having a break down. the crying only lasted a few seconds then he would stop & talk about something else.

i'm sorry guys, but if you could have seen the whole robot action thing he did, you guys would have pissed yourselves. seriously, think about it for a second: he stumble walked out of the bathroom, stopped, was in a really awkward position, then did the robot back up (so he was standing straight), shook his head like he was confused, then said in a drunk/stoned/confused way "n-now i don't know where i am?" i hate to laugh, but it was the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life.

i've been way too high a few times where i black out... not drunk black out, but just kind of fade away from reality. i can see what's going on in real life, but other pictures & such pop up behind the real world so that i don't see it, i just see other things. i know that didn't make sense, so i'm sorry. but it was just odd, he was talking about "i could live in a bathroom. i would put a fucking stove in here with a fridge", then all of a sudden he said "AHHHHH GET ME OFF OF THIS AIRPLANE!", said something else, then started crying & rubbing his eyes. a few seconds later, he stopped, then somehow we ended up on the subject of female pimping. he got really loud & said something like "female pimping is marriage. you gotta get whipped like a pussy kissin' ass, pussy whipped bitch!" then started crying again. that's when me & my friend just kind of looked at each other like ooooooookay.

we thought he was like, donnie darko or something. like he sees people when he's high. whatever works. we'll probably hang out with him again because he's funny as fuck... but we'll never smoke with him again.


Active Member
Dude is a head case, get the fuck away. I had a friend who would freak out really bad like that when he smoked dank in high school. When he went to college, he ended up slitting his throat ear to ear stoned off his ass and lived. Had a gnarly scar and dropped out of college. When he moved back home he would hit me up for weed all the time. I played base ball, lived next door, surfed, drank, smoked(until he went looney) with him growing up, so it's hard to say no or ditch the dude. But a few years ago it all came out full and out of control when I told him to get lost and get off the property. Stole our gardeners work truck twice in front of our house and ended up in 3 hour away calling the cops on himself confused saying someone stole him and the truck ect,ect. It got worse. He tried to Kill his father and get his brother to help. His younger brother had to turn him in and recorded him trying to convince his brother to kill there dad, had the gun his brother planned on using, ect. Drawn out plans with scribbled words around the plans to do the job. He now lives among the crazy in a hospital. His brother told me that he talked crazy about me like that a few times too, after I stopped letting him come around. Keep an eye on that dude from a distance. Seriously. I think about that shit all the time. Sounds like how it started with my homeboy...............


Active Member
Wow, that story really hit home. Let me clear up that he only tripped out like that twice when we smoked like 100's of times as kids. So it wasn't everytime he smoked.
hooooly shit, that's a fucked up story. i think that dude was just all around fucked. this guy wasn't like that... he didn't talk about killing people or himself. i don't think this dude was thaaaat crazy. but damn.


Well-Known Member
i gave a dude too many doses for his first time once, no joke he hasn't been around since LOL. hes sane nooowwww but he was SO fucked up, the most ive ever seen anyone fucked up. he pissed himself, spat jibberish for 9 hours straight things like " MOUNTAIN DEW!!!! red white and blue and in the end it all comes back to you!!!!" just crazy stuff. tried to escape the place we were chilling (which he did btw) he ends up down the street accross from the police station, luckly no cops were around. he was stuck in a mental loop and we were all tripping too and we could feel his confusion but we couldent get him out.

what set it off was jimi hendrix a strobe light and a fog machine in the same dark room.

point is people react differently to everything. we gave another person whos never tripped before the same doseage and he was fine and had a great trip. if hes fine now then he probably dosent have a mental problem.


Active Member
my friend was an honor student in high school and got a full ride to college for baseball. He Totally seemed normal all the time until that shit happened twice in like 6 month period. I'm telling you man that shit sounded allot like my friend. How old are you guys. we were like 22 when he lost it.


Well-Known Member
You need to take this dude to the looney bin asap your gonna wake up one day with him leaning over your bed and your dick choppped off.