Weed in Storage

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What is the longest you have had weed cured or stored for?

How much potency did it retain?

How the fuck are my cats still getting high off 4 year old catnip?


Well-Known Member
Has sum Acapulco Gold, didn't turn out the best. After 3 months in the mason jar it was some decent shit.


Active Member
4 years is probably the max if you know how to cure pot In a jar. It's like wine over time it still matures and breaks down certain parts of itself.


Well-Known Member
My maximum curing time was about a year, I haven't noticed a decline in potency. If you store the weed in an airtight glass jar and watch the humidity, the curing process can be extended by as much as you wish to (within reasonable bounds). Nevertheless, I find the improvement of the bouquet marginal after around 3 months of cure.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
I had some bud cured for 17 years some strong ass shit. No not really it was just a lie lol never had enough to store for too long.