Weed guardians family tree? not for me


Well-Known Member
Weed guardians family trees customer service has been going south fast. Over the last 5-6 moths I’ve ordered from them way too often and every order takes longer to ship than the previous one. An order I made a month or so ago took forever to ship too. Turns out it was a presale but they didn’t say that when I made the purchase. Then I made my last order 12 days ago and it still hasn’t shipped. I emailed them a couple days ago asking what’s up and to let them know most banks ship within a day or two. They responded with: “ how nice for our competitors they must not be as busy as we are”. I responded, they’re probably busier because they hired enough staff to maintain a reasonable level of customer service. Haven’t heard back and still haven’t shipped my beans. I used to recommend them but now I’m warning people about them.
I ordered from sapphire and Neptune 3 days after the wgft order. Both made it here in 3 days and are already sprouted with 3 finger leaves.
Bro wgft is legit. literally just got on to finally pay thanks to them. Took 12 days to get my beans I get that the ship time may be a bit longer than we'd like but it's worth the wait. Freebies are breeders gear Not in house. Just bought ethos apex and got ethos peach og free. All 4 of the ones I tried to germ popped in 24h. If you can't wait for your beans maybe you should order earlier?
Dunno what to say. I used debit card took em a bit of extra time to send. About 12 days till it arrived... Others don't seem to be having issues either. You said something about a rude email you sent them. Maybe they're dickin you. Dunno? I used a Canadian seed bank once took them forever. Like over a month maybe almost 2 months.
Ya I figure they are dickin with me. They’ve lost my business. No need to wait on them when sapphire, Neptune, supreme seed, and treestars ship within a day or two.
@93OG W.G.F.T is the best there is! These people are doing far more for the community than most! Maybe read there F.A.Q dude. It say that their shipping time can take 10 - 14 days sometimes lol. Once on their IG they showed the packages for the week and HOLYCOW no wonder it takes them so long sometimes. Looked like the inside of a postal office LOL. Its no secret who they are and what they've done for the community. Plus how do you beat customer service like theirs?! You cant! I met W.G once at an Oregon cup. He was one one of the kindest people I've met. For you to make them sound how you are is irresponsible my dude. If I were you, I would have just expressed the issues to them. That team always helps out!
@93OG W.G.F.T is the best there is! These people are doing far more for the community than most! Maybe read there F.A.Q dude. It say that their shipping time can take 10 - 14 days sometimes lol. Once on their IG they showed the packages for the week and HOLYCOW no wonder it takes them so long sometimes. Looked like the inside of a postal office LOL. Its no secret who they are and what they've done for the community. Plus how do you beat customer service like theirs?! You cant! I met W.G once at an Oregon cup. He was one one of the kindest people I've met. For you to make them sound how you are is irresponsible my dude. If I were you, I would have just expressed the issues to them. That team always helps out!
you write like a robot from a sale rep team. but hey who am I to judge new members
Ok... thanks... Is this the vibe of this forum site? Negative people? Jeez ... Happy New Year...
its just...quite unlikely you would search through piles of dead threads to come upon this one. create an account, attempt to emphasize on the fact the OP is wrong and we should take your advice..one might find that strange and to me its quite slick. do you have any photos of your grows with this breeder?
its just...quite unlikely you would search through piles of dead threads to come upon this one. create an account, attempt to emphasize on the fact the OP is wrong and we should take your advice..one might find that strange and to me its quite slick. do you have any photos of your grows with this breeder?
Its odd for someone to start a forum profile? I like W.G.F.T! its my go to bank. Naturally among many other things I looked up on this site I found there to be alot of negative people. Finally after reading what I did about my fav seedbank I decided to speak up. Not hard to figure out here Inspector Gadget. Before you caught my attention I was going to comment on some other stuff. Is this what all new members go through? shall I waste my whole day on here so I can have thousands of comments etc..... come on dude.
Its odd for someone to start a forum profile? I like W.G.F.T! its my go to bank. Naturally among many other things I looked up on this site I found there to be alot of negative people. Finally after reading what I did about my fav seedbank I decided to speak up. Not hard to figure out here Inspector Gadget. Before you caught my attention I was going to comment on some other stuff. Is this what all new members go through? shall I waste my whole day on here so I can have thousands of comments etc..... come on dude.
I still stand by my comment. since it's your go to bank care to share your successes?
I still stand by my comment. since it's your go to bank care to share your successes?
Stand by it. Proves who and what you are all that better. Successes?! What are you talking about? Successes from purchasing seeds? Yeah, real simple. I placed an order, waited, it arrived.
ok Kevin , your from cali? why on earth would you source your seeds online? there's litterally thousands of places you can go to in person to get clones
Hey Tissue Culture is also huge out here why not just start doing that?! Because I prefer seeds!!! And why clones? So I can deal with someones else pest problems and viruses? Man you sound like someone with all the answers. I bet you're hella successful and your life must be GOLD. Please along with your assumputions and dective work what other fun stuff do you have to offer? I have about 7 hrs of a car trip ahead of me and you seem to be the perfect penpal
Hey Tissue Culture is also huge out here why not just start doing that?! Because I prefer seeds!!! And why clones? So I can deal with someones else pest problems and viruses? Man you sound like someone with all the answers. I bet you're hella successful and your life must be GOLD. Please along with your assumputions and dective work what other fun stuff do you have to offer? I have about 7 hrs of a car trip ahead of me and you seem to be the perfect penpal
well there selection is trash. if anything the prices are far above what you can get from seedsman or glg or even neptune. the breeder selection is mids at best. you seem pretty comfortable defending these guys and seeing how small their outfit is leads me to believe your a company man trying to keep some semblance of credit in an industry where the reviews can make or break your business. but since you want to make this about me sure. id much rather get seeds from somewhere else..but that's just me
...there was no need to resurrect this old dead thread .. welcome to RIU.