Weed disposal


Well-Known Member
What do people do to get rid of their extra vegetation? Be it from pruning, dying plants, males, whatever... I'm afraid that after I harvest, if I leave a bunch of pot scraps in the garbage, the garbage men might notice it. I know they notice stuff like that because a friend(more an acquaintance) of mine kept pissing in 20 oz coke bottles and throwing them in the trash, and they started refusing to pick up his garbage. I don't have anywhere to compost it or anything like that. All I can think of is maybe the garbage disposal, or just dumping it off in the woods somewhere.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Whatever your relationship with that individual be it friend or acquiantance you can be sure that if he was in the habit of pissing in 20oz coke bottles that he was also crazy enough to dispose of his feces in some rudimentary disposal contraption. This is a man you do not want to come into close contact with. As far as for your concerns of as how you could dispose of excess vegetation and foilage the best bet is always to eat it. I know this may sound a bit extreme to you but you can never be too paranoid when dealing with illegal drugs and the disposal of their foilage. By the time it has passed through your digestive tract the bacteria living inside you will have destroyed any chance of a visual analysis being conclusive as to what exactly it is. It is not over at this point, it is absolutley essential that you dispose of this feces like a normal human being, no matter the peer pressure from anyone who may have influence over you. There is no better way to have your feces examined by the DEA then to dispose of it through government funded collection agencies.


Active Member
i just got rid of 6 plants i made a shit load of hash from the trimming and 2 pound of weed butter the rest we just threw the rest on a bond fire


Well-Known Member
The guy that got in trouble for pissing in coke bottles was doing it because he was too lazy to get up from the computer and go to the bathroom. He was just an idiot, and I haven't seen or spoken to him in years. :P I was just using him as an example of how the garbage men do know and care about what you're throwing away, because they end up having to deal with it.

I was planning one eating and/or turning most of the plant into hash, but what about the stems? Aren't they a little tough?


Well-Known Member
Like the others said,Make hash with your leaf trim.
I keep most of my fan leaves and any leftover trim, dry it out and use it instead of tobacco, or to lessen the amount of tobacco i would use.

then you you can safely throw the root ball and main stem into the trash.


Active Member
i like to throw my scraps on the lawn and mulch them with the lawn mower. works like a charm or i just bag it all up and take it to work and dump it in the compactor


Well-Known Member
put it in a bag take it out in the woods and empty the bag or if you havea place to burn things just burn it.


Well-Known Member
compost is th best way to do itt.. a few worms and some old paper and the clippings that you don't use make awesome soil in a short amount of time... and you could use the casing for tea for the plants and the solid material for the soil it's self because it's high in nutrients


Well-Known Member
Just stuff it in a mcdonalds bag and place loosely in your garbage can. Make sure it's all in one bag so that when the bin is tipped and mixed there is no way of determining it's origin. The garbage man will NOT be sifting through every single baggy in your bin.

If you've got WAY more than what fits in a mcdonalds bag, take a trip to the dump and put it in the green waste bins personally. Use a big stick to mix it around and your problems are solved. All this after you make hash, of course.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Too tough? There is no such thing, an ideal human diet always includes stems of the cannabis plant. This plant co-evolved with us through cooperation between the two species. We help it in its ultimate goal to make as many copies of its specific genetic make-up, and it helps us to do the same by repairing our DNA?...sorry I am rambling again. In short do not waste this wondrous plant, ingest it! Be it through combustion or digestion, (or if you are the la di da type of stoner possibly vaporization) enjoy it, but also realize that for this to be possible you had to take its life. MURDER!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 methods.

1) Compost it in my garden, sometimes there is too much so I then go with #2

2) Put it in a cardboard box and leave it for a few weeks, after that everything is crispy dry and I take it and crush it all up into powder and throw it away in the garbage.


Well-Known Member
whatever anybody says, DONT TAKE IT ANYWHERE!!!!!!!! leaving your home with shit that can implicate you as a grower is suicide!! cops arent so dumb that they wont know whats up if you get pulled over with bag of trim and root balls. even ground up leaves and lone root balls in your trash could raise suspicions of garbage men and be used as evidence.

dry that shit out real good, grind it up, and flush it in small amounts so you dont clog you plumbing.

im not pickin on anyones methods, just trying to help everyone be safe!