weed delivery service


Well-Known Member
so i just watched half baked again and never thought to ask if there were really weed delivery services in big cities? well are there..i dont need names or anything im from bum fuck so i have no idea who they would be or any need to call them. just wondering cause it seems like theyd get busted alot. later


Well-Known Member
does it count when you call your dealer to meat him in a park or sumthin?

there was this 1 front that got busted a week ago, went there a couple of times 2 :D


Well-Known Member
I recently moved from a big city and those services do exist, but you pay dearly for the service and be sure of who you call because I have heard of someone being jacked by the deliveryman.


Well-Known Member
There actually was in nyc,, 1800 got -buds.. the dude thought he was jesus and sold for 5 yrs till he was taken down


Well-Known Member
ahhh...id imagine they would get busted...and i didnt mean when your dealer meets you somewhere..haha


Well-Known Member
haha i used to have a dealer that was real parnoid and delieved his weed to me. in a pizza box. funny shit.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Once this ridiculous prohibition on A PLANT ends I imagine there will be store-to-door delivery just like pizza. Hell it could be a combo shop... .they'd clean up!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I saw something like this in High Times a while ago. They buted a company called "The Cartoon Network" they had their own packaging and everything. I think they said it was 3 grams for 60 bucks or 25 a gram. They were getting the weed from canada for like 3 a p and selling it for 6 not to mention the markup on the smaller bags!! They took down like 6 houses in "The Network" a shit load of dough and a bunch of people involved.. Damn!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, i used to do that in San Francisco.

I didn't give out business cards or anything, I had a pager that i gave out the number for so that who i talked to was at my control, and I would only call back numbers i knew (most people had a code). At it's peak, i would make probalby make 20 - 25 deliveries a day, so I was never by gettin rich by any means, but i was payin rent, smokin as much as i wanted, and I had a very active social life!:hump:
Besides, I really hated people knowing where I lived, and coming over when ever they wanted.
In public I would always use a paper coffee cup with a lid for camoflauge.
The most fun years of my life. I started out with a Mt. bike and eventually upgraded to a motorcycle and then a better motorcycle. I quite doing it when i met my now wife, and I really wanted my time back.

but yeah, wow.... good times.

BTW "Half Baked" - Worst Ending Ever! just my opinion.



Active Member
those services do exist in nyc. I'm smoking some right now. You generally get 5 grams for 100. In my opinion, worth the price every once in a while. The bud is the among the best ive smoked(not counting my own :weed:)


Well-Known Member
NYs home to some ridiculous delivery services; such as Cartoon Network, Fresh Direct, and Speedy Work Dog Walkers.. Sadly the names are better than the product or the price.


Well-Known Member
those services do exist in nyc. I'm smoking some right now. You generally get 5 grams for 100. In my opinion, worth the price every once in a while. The bud is the among the best ive smoked(not counting my own :weed:)
that doesnt seem bad....round my way i could get 4gs of NL for 100 and i have to pick it up