weed + bed


Well-Known Member
i like smoking before bed, but i hate to waste the high lol. does make for some good sleep though lol


Well-Known Member
when i did it fief times i felt like atic or smth... lol

just curious what other people think about it.. :)

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
My mate swears it helps him sleep...it CAN sometimes help me sleep depending on the amount and the time between bake and bed, when it starts to wear off I AM then knackered...BUT if i bake straight before bed i'm usually tripping out for an hour or so when im lying down tossing/turning...

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
This is my girlfreind and my routine....
- have a drink or two
- roll a joint.
- watch a little tv or shoot the shit with freinds.
- shoot the shit a little more except this time no understands each other because no one makes any sense....lol
- munchies
- freinds leave
- a session of hardcore sex.
- then KICK ass sleep.

If there is no garaunteed sex after smoking then my GF won't smoke LOLLLL


Well-Known Member
I only bake before I hit the sack if I can't get to sleep. If that's the case, a few hits, and I am out like a light.


Well-Known Member
This is my girlfreind and my routine....
- have a drink or two
- roll a joint.
- watch a little tv or shoot the shit with freinds.
- shoot the shit a little more except this time no understands each other because no one makes any sense....lol
- munchies
- freinds leave
- a session of hardcore sex.
- then KICK ass sleep.
I got the same routine... Except I throw in another hit of the bong after the friends leave and then get down to the nitty gritty...


Well-Known Member
no smoke no sleep
this is usually how it is for me too. but lately I've not been sleeping too great no matter how much I back before bed. it used to work great. but now not so much. I still use it in the morning sometimes. wake up, bake, and pass right back out for another hour or so. mmmm that is great!