Weed barons anonymous


New Member
well...ok. that's just less fun for us rubberneckers......i bet sparky's umm...."dismissal" will be something to behold. i wanna be here on that day. my mom says he's not a very tender lover.

i love you mom

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sirs,

We of the Baron Hood Of WEED decide whom is worthy of the title of WEED Baron. We of the Baron Hood recognize the fact that all cannot be Weed Barons but it is still a crime against the King to portray oneself as a WEED Baron without proper authority.

It is with great sadness that the great Overlord FDD2BLK has slain our Baroness KindPrincess for she was a pillar of our Baron Hood. She will be forever be a Martyr to those whom chose the life of the Baron Hood of WEED.

Proclamation of the Baron!!!

To those here that post begging to the Great Baron of WEED asking for Baron Hood let it be known from North to South East to West that one must first act like a Baron before the Baron Hood shall recognize inferior growers.

The pathetic displays of the inferior grows some have shown here it I assure you it will be a very cold day in Hell if that happens.

Good Day Sirs! :finger:


Well-Known Member
Dear Sir,

My only intention for coming to this board was to acknowledge the complete destruction of the impostor posing as a WEED Baron Mr. Bugsrnme.

I have no need for any clubs, associations or whatnot and anyone associated with such posts or clubs are considered to be inferior growers.

Be advised that I will however have my house servant monitor this board for any other infractions of the Baron hood by inferior growers and take action accordingly.

Good Day Sir !:finger:

You rock weed baron! Gimmie some weed!


Well-Known Member
Yea I know my grows suck. I'm lucky to crop down an 1/8th with 3000 watts and 20 plants.......:). I probally don't know enough to be a baron


New Member
Hahaha cartman came back! Wow bugs u only been back for a sec and he felt it..R u Boinking his mom or something?
:o how dare you.....you nasty mutha fucka.....his momma is a patron fuckin' saint. :finger: you take that back.......i hope your dear sweet mother wasnt reading the threads lately spark. my heart goes out to you and her in this time of need.

if weed barons arent allowed to share their knowledge so that way everyone can prosper then baronhood isth noth for me
it is for you that weed baron is a phony, he ....well hell, just read em, ya know...lol:clap:
Dear Sirs,
what bitch?
We of the Baron Hood Of WEED
oh you mean the bhow ....boy humpers of wyoming
decide whom is worthy of the title of WEED Baron.
i'll say it again...real slow for you.....i am a fuckin weed baron.
We of the Baron Hood recognize the fact that all cannot be Weed Barons
finally!!! some sanity
but it is still a crime against the King to portray oneself as a WEED Baron without proper authority.
oh....nevermind......back on track now.....fuckin crazy people
It is with great sadness that the great Overlord FDD2BLK has slain our Baroness KindPrincess
wish i had got to read about that.
for she was a pillar of our Baron Hood.
holy crap she was a boy humper?
She will be forever be a Martyr to those whom chose the life of the Baron Hood of WEED.
you dont choose it you earn it or are born into it....like me
Proclamation of the Baron!!!
wow that took guts.....:clap:
To those here that post begging to the Great Baron of WEED asking for Baron Hood let it be known from North to South East to West that one must first act like a Baron before the Baron Hood shall recognize inferior growers.
we got a 1 adam 42......homo in distress, send in a hairdresser
The pathetic displays of the inferior grows some have shown here it I assure you it will be a very cold day in Hell if that happens.
Good Day Sirs! :finger:
lmao. this thread is funny as hell
Yea I know my grows suck. I'm lucky to crop down an 1/8th with 3000 watts and 20 plants.......:). I probally don't know enough to be a baron
me neither but i tell myself i do all the time, totally fuckin works. i'm convinced:leaf:


New Member
your just a tiny bit off the charts and therfore are banned from the baronhood. only for the greater good of course. you see, your level of green thumbatudeness would make the bell curve for us reg-a-ler folks tragically skewed thereby stripping us of any hope of attaining baron status. i do hope you understand.


The Management


Well-Known Member
:fire: All i honestly wanted to do is be in the presence of a baron. Discipleship as a knight of sorts. Now Im going on a boinking of moms spree.

:o how dare you.....you nasty mutha fucka.....his momma is a patron fuckin' saint. :finger: you take that back.......i hope your dear sweet mother wasnt reading the threads lately spark. my heart goes out to you and her in this time of need.


New Member
:fire: All i honestly wanted to do is be in the presence of a baron
done...your welcome
. Discipleship as a knight of sorts.
this aint some silly masonic lodge, this is serious
Now Im going on a boinking of moms spree.
technically , that can get you inducted. if you know the right people

:o how dare you.....you nasty mutha fucka.....his momma is a patron fuckin' saint. :finger: you take that back.......i hope your dear sweet mother wasnt reading the threads lately spark. my heart goes out to you and her in this time of need.
well shame on you anyway


Well-Known Member
Im serious man who's mom do i have to boink..Ill never get in burning down my colas.
How does anyone get in burning down there whole spot bugs?
Im only going to offer my knightship for so long then. Well maybe ill become a baroner of moms.


New Member
your just a tiny bit off the charts and therfore are banned from the baronhood. only for the greater good of course. you see, your level of green thumbatudeness would make the bell curve for us reg-a-ler folks tragically skewed thereby stripping us of any hope of attaining baron status. i do hope you understand.


The Management
wow not even so much as a rise out of the mighty fdd. i feel unloved:-(
i was tickled with myself :fire:


New Member
i'm trying to bring myself to a level where i can fully accept all that. :shock::weed:
i can hardly stop laughing.

i read all you stuff but never post and just so happen to be a bit of a fan so it was done in good fun. it did occur to me that you have no idea who i am and might take offense. but really, wasnt it worth the risk....:hump:
your a bit of fun yourself and i figured my sense of humor was akin to yours....sometimnes.


New Member
thats it....i bought a badge and when it gets here.....i'm takin over

with the exception of the old people of course....no offense fdd ;p