Weed barons anonymous


Well-Known Member
i think we need to get the FAQT stickied or merged with the harvest every 2 weeks thread. since the AL B. is closed now it will slip into the darkness with no new posts.
i posted a poll askinf if it should be stickied but noone replied.
so like my poll it seems the AL B. FAQt will slip into pages unknown


Well-Known Member
i think we need to get the FAQT stickied or merged with the harvest every 2 weeks thread. since the AL B. is closed now it will slip into the darkness with no new posts.
i posted a poll askinf if it should be stickied but noone replied.
so like my poll it seems the AL B. FAQt will slip into pages unknown
Ahh don't worry about that. its a sticky it just takes some time to get it there.


New Member
screw al b fuct.......I AM A WEEEEEEEED BAAAAAAROOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY.....sorry had a lil flare up. all better now. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Question Who on here has no hair, lost his mind , cant clone to save his life, lives in Baronville in a run down areocloner and has a fat momma?


New Member
WTF bugs where have you been?

out hauling water back and forth 4 trips 3 blocks each pulling a fuckin wagon....i'm sooooo going to prison......lol

Man i think your real close buddy. From what his wife says he has a small dinga ling also. Ring a bell?
i swear if my mom doesnt stop talkin about my dong i just dont know what i' gonna do
hey do you yahoo?
yup.....can you guess what the name is? remember al chastised me for it.


Well-Known Member
out hauling water back and forth 4 trips 3 blocks each pulling a fuckin wagon....i'm sooooo going to prison......lol
mmmmmm thats not funny :-(

i swear if my mom doesnt stop talkin about my dong i just dont know what i' gonna do
Funny i was just talking with her too well actually i was talking and she was busy.

yup.....can you guess what the name is? remember al chastised me for it.[


New Member
......folks, this is no laughing matter. now i understand why sparkafire and custom hydro are so bitter. they are brothers you see.....and this is their daddy. so lets all try to be a lil understanding of their situation.:-(


Well-Known Member
......folks, this is no laughing matter. now i understand why sparkafire and custom hydro are so bitter. they are brothers you see.....and this is their daddy. so lets all try to be a lil understanding of their situation.:-(
You will burn in hell Bugs !! Thats wrong in so many ways i cant even begin to start. And by the way we might be brothers but your twins with this guy!

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sir,

My only intention for coming to this board was to acknowledge the complete destruction of the impostor posing as a WEED Baron Mr. Bugsrnme.

I have no need for any clubs, associations or whatnot and anyone associated with such posts or clubs are considered to be inferior growers.

Be advised that I will however have my house servant monitor this board for any other infractions of the Baron hood by inferior growers and take action accordingly.

Good Day Sir !:finger:


New Member
You will burn in hell Bugs !!
see you there....hehehe

Thats wrong in so many ways i cant even begin to start.
oh i think you could if you tried

And by the way we might be brothers but your twins with this guy!
well that makes us family.......ohhhhhhh brother where art thou?

oh btw i got my sig pic taken off......how do i tell if i got in trouble?....figured you'ld know;-)

Dear Sir,
and dont you forget it!:finger:

My only intention for coming to this board was to acknowledge the complete destruction of the impostor posing as a WEED Baron Mr. Bugsrnme
say what you want buddy, you have already been "outed" by the real baron. now its just sad. we are here to help you.....just let it go and let the healing begin.

I have no need for any clubs
except for nambla......

associations or whatnot and anyone associated with such posts or clubs are considered to be inferior growers.
this isnt a club its a support group

Be advised that I will however have my house servant monitor this board for any other infractions of the Baron hood by inferior growers and take action accordingly.
who's that i wonder?????? some loser i'm sure. perhaps your house boy.....you need help

Good Day Sir !:finger:
yo mamma


Well-Known Member
Dude NAMBLA is a real group.

The Noble Authoritative of Master Barons Legislative Appointments.

I don't know what Nambla your referring to but this one is for real and likes women.

I guess you have to go though these guys to become a baron or something.

Do you know a different Nambla Bugs? Hmmmmmmm very interesting.


New Member
mini update....got the aquarium heaters that stay at a constant 78 degrees and i put my thermo heat mat under the cloner so the water is perfect now. i have a space heater at the growing tips and it is set for 80 and blows warm air over them. then i put a humidome over half of them just to see if there is a difference. i also took cuttings from as low on the plant as possible. i will only need 1 more set of clones from these moms then the little ones will replace the last 4 with 6 fresh new moms. i have definately noticed my bitches showing signs of old age and i will not wait so ling to replace them next time. cant wait to flower 4 of these bitches at the same time ....that'll be a huge harvest and off the books...so to speak. so i am going to buy some cloning solution for the cloner....i hear great things and it might make the difference for me. those of you that follow know what i mean....lol. thanks to everyone that reads this thread. it means more to me than it should.:?