Weed and relationships


Well-Known Member
My ole lady only gets pissed wen I eat all her fancy glutin free/health food on a midnight munchie attack. :)

Other than that. Going out is very broad. Out in Mother Nature/ movies/ cool friends chillin is awesome any time. Out to the local drinking hole. I'd rather eat glass sometimes I feel like. And walmart makes me want to rip my eyeballs out and move to deserted island.

Two questions:

Why do women insist on Gluten Free EVERYTHING? It's so fucking trendy (unless your wife has Celiac's disease, then disregard)
Why do women drag their men shopping? I never understood this.


Well-Known Member
Two questions:

Why do women insist on Gluten Free EVERYTHING? It's so fucking trendy (unless your wife has Celiac's disease, then disregard)
Why do women drag their men shopping? I never understood this.
no shit. my prob is i cant go shopping without the wife but shes slow as fuuuuuck. i hate the grocery store


Well-Known Member
no shit. my prob is i cant go shopping without the wife but shes slow as fuuuuuck. i hate the grocery store
What do you mean? You mean you WANT to go shopping and she always comes along?

Personally, I like to shop alone. I hate spending time in the grocery store. I used to work for Nabisco so I've spent enough time in stores as it is. I want to get in shop and get the fuck out. I never understand these women (my peers) who wander around Costco…I HATE that shit. I always go with a list. And don't get me started on the fucking cattle call around the sample tables at costco. It's like it's the last food these people are ever going to have. They herd around like sheep. Blocking the isles and shit.

I've found a way around rude shoppers though. If anyone is rude/stupid enough to leave their unattended cart blocking an isle to wander off and get their free shit sample, I go all ninja stealth and fill their carts with stuff. Once I filled a woman's cart with Smithfield hams. ( @curious2garden I to have a ham story LOL)

Another time it was about 10 gallons of milk. Doesn't stop the problem but it makes me feel happier. This is why I wear sunglasses a lot. (well, for obvious reasons) but that way I can check out the reaction while I'm standing right there. Priceless.


Well-Known Member
yea she insists that i dnt bargain shop well enough plus she does the cooking so she wants to be the one pickin out what she needs. plus she cant drive so either way i gotta go. i hate the grocery store with a passion so im in and out. i can drop $300 and be out in 15 mins. people dnt bug me too much but sometimes ill shop for others. thats always fun lol. only been caught once


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? You mean you WANT to go shopping and she always comes along?

Personally, I like to shop alone. I hate spending time in the grocery store. I used to work for Nabisco so I've spent enough time in stores as it is. I want to get in shop and get the fuck out. I never understand these women (my peers) who wander around Costco…I HATE that shit. I always go with a list. And don't get me started on the fucking cattle call around the sample tables at costco. It's like it's the last food these people are ever going to have. They herd around like sheep. Blocking the isles and shit.

I've found a way around rude shoppers though. If anyone is rude/stupid enough to leave their unattended cart blocking an isle to wander off and get their free shit sample, I go all ninja stealth and fill their carts with stuff. Once I filled a woman's cart with Smithfield hams. ( @curious2garden I to have a ham story LOL)

Another time it was about 10 gallons of milk. Doesn't stop the problem but it makes me feel happier. This is why I wear sunglasses a lot. (well, for obvious reasons) but that way I can check out the reaction while I'm standing right there. Priceless.
I pissed myself for realz when I first read the ham story. My daughter heard me from the next room at 3 am and thought I had pinched from her stash (I don't smoke though).


Well-Known Member
yea she insists that i dnt bargain shop well enough plus she does the cooking so she wants to be the one pickin out what she needs. plus she cant drive so either way i gotta go. i hate the grocery store with a passion so im in and out. i can drop $300 and be out in 15 mins. people dnt bug me too much but sometimes ill shop for others. thats always fun lol. only been caught once
I gotcha. One of the reasons I don't shop w/ husband is exactly that: I somehow end up spending way more every time he comes along. Men have no patience to bargain shop. I thought you meant like mall shopping. How come your wife doesn't drive?


Well-Known Member
I have no probs bargain shopping but there are certain items that ill splurge on. Like ill only buy kraft singles. Im a brand shopper, kinda picky but dammit i work hard and if i want real capn crunch im gettin real capn crunch. Screw that maltomeal bag shit. Oh and she has severe dizzy spells so she cant get a license. Even if it werent for that tho shes short as hell and needs 2 phonebooks to see over the wheel.


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Staff member
What do you mean? You mean you WANT to go shopping and she always comes along?

Personally, I like to shop alone. I hate spending time in the grocery store. I used to work for Nabisco so I've spent enough time in stores as it is. I want to get in shop and get the fuck out. I never understand these women (my peers) who wander around Costco…I HATE that shit. I always go with a list. And don't get me started on the fucking cattle call around the sample tables at costco. It's like it's the last food these people are ever going to have. They herd around like sheep. Blocking the isles and shit.

I've found a way around rude shoppers though. If anyone is rude/stupid enough to leave their unattended cart blocking an isle to wander off and get their free shit sample, I go all ninja stealth and fill their carts with stuff. Once I filled a woman's cart with Smithfield hams. ( @curious2garden I to have a ham story LOL)

Another time it was about 10 gallons of milk. Doesn't stop the problem but it makes me feel happier. This is why I wear sunglasses a lot. (well, for obvious reasons) but that way I can check out the reaction while I'm standing right there. Priceless.
Thank god you do not have access to the commissary although we don't have that sample shit. What is their reaction? If I came back and found my cart filled with ham or milk I'd be all confused. Like why did I think I needed 86 hams or 23 gallons of milk?

Gluten free LOL ahh yes, low fat, the war on dairy, eggs etc....


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? You mean you WANT to go shopping and she always comes along?

Personally, I like to shop alone. I hate spending time in the grocery store. I used to work for Nabisco so I've spent enough time in stores as it is. I want to get in shop and get the fuck out. I never understand these women (my peers) who wander around Costco…I HATE that shit. I always go with a list. And don't get me started on the fucking cattle call around the sample tables at costco. It's like it's the last food these people are ever going to have. They herd around like sheep. Blocking the isles and shit.

I've found a way around rude shoppers though. If anyone is rude/stupid enough to leave their unattended cart blocking an isle to wander off and get their free shit sample, I go all ninja stealth and fill their carts with stuff. Once I filled a woman's cart with Smithfield hams. ( @curious2garden I to have a ham story LOL)

Another time it was about 10 gallons of milk. Doesn't stop the problem but it makes me feel happier. This is why I wear sunglasses a lot. (well, for obvious reasons) but that way I can check out the reaction while I'm standing right there. Priceless.
i can't stand those people who block isles with a cart and walk away..i like the filling the cart idea, I usually just take it and move it over an isle or two..then wait to see if they find it..I did it once to a lady who left her kid in the cart and walked away..it was funny, but in hindsight..probably not the best idea..but i bet she didn't walk away from her kid again for awhile..


Well-Known Member
I have no probs bargain shopping but there are certain items that ill splurge on. Like ill only buy kraft singles. Im a brand shopper, kinda picky but dammit i work hard and if i want real capn crunch im gettin real capn crunch. Screw that maltomeal bag shit. Oh and she has severe dizzy spells so she cant get a license. Even if it werent for that tho shes short as hell and needs 2 phonebooks to see over the wheel.
I used to be a brand snob too-until the recession hit and I had teenagers LOL. The malt-O-meal bagged shit is pretty good. Their version of Lucky Charms (mateys) is actually better. But 10-4 on the Cap'n Crunch. Only General Mills will do there. Oh and Tide. No substitute for it. Tried others and they suck.

Thank god you do not have access to the commissary although we don't have that sample shit. What is their reaction? If I came back and found my cart filled with ham or milk I'd be all confused. Like why did I think I needed 86 hams or 23 gallons of milk?

Gluten free LOL ahh yes, low fat, the war on dairy, eggs etc....
Their reaction is priceless. First a startled stiffening of the head and neck, then the brows turn down and the mouth opens (think "mean girls" moment here) and then the immediate head swiveling around to find the culprit. I on the other hand am almost always close by (in sunglasses) and I whip out my cell or list for a prop and pretend to be intently studying it. If I was as deft with that thing as my kid is I could actually go into stealth mode and film it. But usually I'm also in the midst of a giggle fit. I"ve done this with my husband and I almost peed my pants. He put a shit ton of lube and depends in a cart once.

i can't stand those people who block isles with a cart and walk away..i like the filling the cart idea, I usually just take it and move it over an isle or two..then wait to see if they find it...
Oooh, thanks for the tip. This will be handy in a quickie situation.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I used to be a brand snob too-until the recession hit and I had teenagers LOL. The malt-O-meal bagged shit is pretty good. Their version of Lucky Charms (mateys) is actually better. But 10-4 on the Cap'n Crunch. Only General Mills will do there. Oh and Tide. No substitute for it. Tried others and they suck.

Their reaction is priceless. First a startled stiffening of the head and neck, then the brows turn down and the mouth opens (think "mean girls" moment here) and then the immediate head swiveling around to find the culprit. I on the other hand am almost always close by (in sunglasses) and I whip out my cell or list for a prop and pretend to be intently studying it. If I was as deft with that thing as my kid is I could actually go into stealth mode and film it. But usually I'm also in the midst of a giggle fit. I"ve done this with my husband and I almost peed my pants. He put a shit ton of lube and depends in a cart once.

Oooh, thanks for the tip. This will be handy in a quickie situation.
Are you old enough to remember when Tide really did give you WHITE whites? LOL I've never had another really clean pair of clothes since the phosphates were removed, sigh.... I really miss all the chemicals we had that worked. Somehow I bet our ancestors said that about lead based foundation too.


Well-Known Member
I've dated women that looked down on my smoking MJ. It seems very hypocritical as these women would down a bottle of wine or more per night, but saw my smoking pot as declasse. I mostly smoke alone at home, but I always bring at least a one hitter and a gram or two when I go out to socialize. If no one wants to partake with me, I just skip out to my car solo every once and awhile...
I get what you're saying, but there is a stereotype that applies for everything. It just so happens that one of the (mostly accurate) stereotypes about cannabis is that people who smoke it all day every day and make their lives about it are usually lazy, unmotivated losers. The same way people who drink all day every day are often losers as well, just with a little more motivation to get up and go. Obviously lazy people will be lazy regardless of whether they get high, but the stereotype exists for a reason -- most people who are self-proclaimed "stoners" aren't going very far in life. I'm sure that statement will get a lot of flak on this forum but I prefer to look at things realistically despite my love for the plant.

My girlfriend of (2 years? 3 years? shit, I need to look into that, and maybe slow down on the smoking myself) doesn't smoke at all, not because she has an issue with the plant but because she is randomly hair tested at work. I prefer dating a woman who doesn't smoke anyway so that works out for me.


Well-Known Member
I I prefer dating a woman who doesn't smoke anyway so that works out for me.

Are you old enough to remember when Tide really did give you WHITE whites? LOL I've never had another really clean pair of clothes since the phosphates were removed, sigh.... I really miss all the chemicals we had that worked. Somehow I bet our ancestors said that about lead based foundation too.
LOL yes I think so. How about this:

"how do you get your shirts so clean Mr. Lee?"

"Ancient Chinese Secret."


Well-Known Member
Just personal preference. I don't find that women in my age range (mid to late 20's) who smoke consistently are very good mates as they usually don't have their shit together. Not to say that there aren't plenty of girls who do smoke and get shit done, just not my cup of tea in my experience.

Plus, I need somebody to keep track of all the things I forget


Well-Known Member
Two questions:

Why do women insist on Gluten Free EVERYTHING? It's so fucking trendy (unless your wife has Celiac's disease, then disregard)
Why do women drag their men shopping? I never understood this.
I love grocery shopping with her. Cuz I love food. But going to the mall with her FORGET IT

She got all mad one year cuz I didn't want to go Xmas shopping with her. I said "hell no !" Eff that noise
For me smoking with my girlfriend and buddies is a perfect way to get away with my problems in life and smoking enlightens me more to do things with passion and i'm more dedecated on what ever i'm doing when i smoke.....it makes me more relax and gives me FREEDOM.....thats the bottom line....