Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions


Well-Known Member
life is a bitch sometimes ive been havong problemes with teenage daughter.

i dont have alchool probleme or drugs ive been only smoking for 2 months everyday i know i know but its the only thing that calms me down from the stress of my daughter omg kids are evil.

I wish you all the luck on getting youre life back if you realy stop youre life will be so much better. I was a gambler for almost 10 years lost everything i owned plus my wife. its been over 8 years i stopped now, and it was not easy i caved in a couple of times. i actualy have saved money now can buy what i want hummm ok so maybe its because i am single i can buy stuff...... :-) hehe kinding.

Just remeber stopping is very hard but its worth it at the end.

plus you already know its a problem so youre on the good track.


Well-Known Member
I just downloaded this very cool and obscure Jimi Hendrix video .Ive been a fan for about 30 years and first saw it on youtube only about a year ago. In memory of drummer Mitch Mitchell who just passed away last week. Try watching it full screen/volume in the dark because it gets a bit trippy.
YouTube - Jimi Hendrix Gloria (The Real Deal)

mtlseven ,good luck with your daughter and your own addictions. Hopefully you can learn something here from something someone said that you can use to make things work out. Ive never been a gambler so I cant help you on that one . I was banned from buying lottery tickets when I was 13 though because I forged the numbers on some tickets, got caught and charged. Soon after that Lottario tickets were much more detailed and harder to alter.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I forgot to say I really miss your town mtlseven. Ive been to Montreal several times when I was a kid and more recently to do record conventions. What a great town. Just wondering if you know about the rock group The Haunted ? They were from there and almost had a number #1 hit back in 66 but the Stones released a song which rose the charts just a bit quicker.I had the lp once I got from their tour manager and got nearly 1G for it. Heres the song that almost hit #1.


Well-Known Member
My neck is still stiff from using this Acer like I have been with its really lousy connection. Surfing tonight has been a serious pain for the most part. Pages on this site are especially bad taking about 10 minutes sometime to load. I think the memory may be part to blame too,since it only has 1 RAM. Anyhow I can sure think of another centralized body part I'd rather have stiff at this time on a Saturday night. Ironically my Acer could easily take care of that problem,but with the pages loading so slow I think my neck would be stiffer.


Well-Known Member
yes I know you said that,but I meant good luck sticking with it forever ,and good luck with your smoking,I assume you mean tobacco


Well-Known Member
"forged the numbers on some tickets, got caught and charged" ...after I got nearly 3G for about 7 successful ones. Thats when I started buying weed(for my buddies too of course,I was only 13),When I got caught the cops were chasing me down the street so I cut thru a few backyards into someones garage,where I hid for a while until a cop walks in ,hears me move and points the gun at me ,and when I stand up Im lookind down a barrel of a gun in this dark garage. They say I was lucky because he was a rookie and he was scared.


Active Member
Shit man, I have been reading your posts and I am cheering for you man! Use music to your advantage, sounds like you have a real passion for it, use that to help you man, that is who you are, write songs, make a journal, one of my good buddies from high school turned to cocaine and caffeine pills, he is clean now but he used music to help him get through his tough times. We used to just jam for hours and hours so he wouldn't be tempted to do something he didn't want to do. I don't know if you like jazz but John Coltrane's A Love Supreme album is a great album to listen during tough times, the insane saxaphone solo really make me wake up, it might help. Yeah, man just keep it up, you can do it, no problem......

o yeah also that Jimi Hendrix vid is kick as, love Mitch Mitchell. talk to some about being a DJ that is a great idea man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments and encouragment pistachionut. I just tried adding a lengthier message a little while ago but the connection timed out and I dont want that to happen again,so I just thought I would post this video . Most people know the tune,but the video is also quite exceptional. I agree with almost all of the comments left about it. I used to have this on a doors compilation vhs back in the 80s and that was the only way it was released so like the hendrix vid few people saw it before youtube YouTube - LA Woman - The Doors


Well-Known Member
Just sitting here waiting for someone to call me to buy my laptop,whichIm quite sure will happen today,so I wont have the internet at home anymore,whcih kind of sucks,but Im sure it was meant to be. I felt like because of it ,I was becoming addicted to the internet,and right now the last thing I need is another addiction. Not only that but since the speed was so slow Im sure I was spending about twice as much time on the net than I would have if I did the same amount on a desktop hooked to cable.My back is still pretty sore alot of the time since I have realized that sitting on my bed isnt so good even though my laptop is now sitting on my little desk when I use it.
Just smoked my last bowl of weed ,and Im broke so I hope someone calls soon. Life hasnt sucked this bad in a long time in terms of my financial situation. At least I can say Im sober ,by tomorrow it will be a week,and its great not too be feeling the after effects of booze at all. Im sure once I start using regular computers again outside away from my cozy room,I will get back on track sooner or later.Just hope its sooner though.


Well-Known Member
I swear I will be totally celebrating with a dime of weed once I get rid of this Fn thing. In my last post I noticed that I left out a word,so I had to go edit it,and it took 3 attempts ,since the page just kept getting stuck,so it took me 7 minutes just to do this.There have been several times I wanted to post here but the page kept freezing so I didnt bother.Of course the is a problem on many other sites as well,so its really hard to get motivated to do something I know will take me a couple hours like listing on ebay most importantly.


Well-Known Member
Im writing this from my neighbourhood library and their little compaq cumputers are soooo much faster than my crappy acer. Anyhow ,now Im looking for ward to getting back to business,after I go home and have another coffee and smoke another bowl. Still sober and feeling great!


Well-Known Member
Hers another Canadian Garage band from my town of Toronto who like the Haunted also had their big song in 66 and this is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipknFjVwD6c&feature=related . Its a true Canadian classic,so I thought I would post it,since there are probably many people around the world who would never heard it. Pistachionut was asking me if I ever listen to jazz like Coltrane and honestly for the most part I prefer music with vocals,like rock obviously or soul,reggae etc. However I still like some jazz once in a while and I know Coltrane is highly regarded and yes I can usually recognize his unique playing almost immediately when I hear it .If Im going to listen to music without lyrics though I would just as well listen to some reggae dub or trance. One of the reason I like songs with lyrics also is because I consider myself to be a singer ,so I almost always sing when Im at home and a tune I know I can sing comes on the radio,or if Im playing a record I know well. I used to go to karaoke which started becoming a bit addictive ,since I just started maybe a year before I quit drinking,and I had never sang in a band or in public before. I often got a very good if not great reception,and since then,I think I have become even better just by practising on my own. Of course it helps that I am able to play music for several hours a day ,since I am in the business of records. As far as being a dj goes,I have so many other things to think about now,I really dont have time to consider that but maybe one day.


Well-Known Member
Im soo glad I got rid of that lousy little laptop that was wrecking my back and my life. I know this may be getting way off topic from my original post,but as far as I am concerned I have that issue dealt with,and I suppose only time will prove to others that Im totally serious about my change in attitude about booze. As far as what just happened with my laptop goes Im sure I was more susceptible to a sore back than others since I have had back problems in the past,and one time I had to take a whole month off work because I was having serious back spasms. That was about 20 years ago,and since then I have come to realize how important proper posture is to heal and prevent further back pain. If you are young with no previous back problems you likely wont be as sensitive to strained muscles from bad posture than someone who already has torn ligaments.Many people may use laptops for years before theynotice any real problems .Of course it also depends how much it is used,and I admit I used mine a lot,but now I never want to use one again. Still however,just because I am more sensitve about this kind of injury,doesnt mean I should be looked at as someone who is just the exception ,or too old etc. ,and you should should perhaps realize that maybe the fact that since I was only using my laptop for 3 or 4 months and it had a very obviously negative effect on my health,that maybe there is something to what I am saying. After all I am not the only one who has gone through this,and as I have shown through a link before there are studies/reports which totally support what Im saying. I hate to be a downer but I am somebody who really doesnt give a shit what people think of me,I will say exactly what I believe especially when I belive other peoples well being may be in jeopardy.