SEIZE THE FED (instead of letting the Fed continue to seize our assets)Added
[TRANSLATED] Two Trillion Tons - Sung by the Ghost of Tennessee Ernie Ford
[TRANSLATED] Two Trillion Tons - Sung by the Ghost of Tennessee Ernie Ford
The Ghost of Tennessee Ernie Ford comes back to warn us that Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan and budget could be hazardous to our economic ...
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Video from HerBunk
2 months ago 73,085 views HerBunk
He must of been high.How can you tell if he is lying? If his lips are moving.
Well, I don't know about being right, but I certainly do like my alternative better than the others. The people that work for the Fed might have a problem with it. They will no longer be able to screw over this country by printing absurd amounts of money and destroying the value of the dollar.He must of been high.
How can auditing it cause economic collapse? It was designed to collapse the economy... and is doing an excellent job of it.
TheBrutalTruth, is dead-right, seize it as government property, and let the government just be in debt to itself(the people). No need for middle-men.
Like prisons are being privatized.... people are making money off others losing their liberties. That's some fucked up shit.
Perfect example of a dude who totally gets it! Ron Paul has the right idea to start small. I think he initially tried to pass a different bill which was to get rid of the fed altogether and it was squashed. He's gone back to the drawing board with HR1207 and all we need to do is pay attention and support it. It's brilliance is in it's simplicity! It's a simple request: LET US AUDIT THE FED! so simple infact that any of our state representatives who oppose it DO NOT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE! Let's get involved.If its to big to fail its to big to exist.
Audit that Bitch.
Kill it and sell off its assets.
Write off everything we can.
Set a new gold standard 1 gram of gold = $100
Set it in stone and never change that standard.
Audit the banks gold stocks regularly.
That would fix 75% of our fiscal problems in short order.
The Fed has hired a former ENRON lobbiest to rally its defences.
It hasn't hired a lobbiest in living memory.
Its scared, its cornered and its powerful.
This is when they will say or do anything to save themselves.
Like a wounded beast, best kill it before it kills you.
HR1207 the bill to Audit the FED, has 245 co-sponcors.
290 and its veto proof.
Once people see what they've been doing it will be the end for them.
This must get passed.
November 20th, 2009.Anyone want to start a pool on when the US loses its AAA credit rating?![]()
ok.. so like 4 years or so..Aw, give Obama him some credit. No, really, give him some $credit$ !
I think right after the next Presidential election, about 3 months or so in.
Reality check.