we need to have an honest coverstation abt this

There is a huge difference between Italian Italian vs American Italian cuisine. Americans are much more heavy handed with the spices, garlic, etc. Much closer to southern Italy (Calabria and Sicily) which exerted the heaviest influence on American-Italian cuisine. I too had Margarita in Rome, Naples and Cosenza; it was better the further south by my American-Italian standards

Along the northern boarder I asked a street vendor for a "Supreme" knowing that there was only size about 12", he handed me a fresh one. To my dismay it looked like a cracker with some watered down catsup. The vendor could see the dis-satisfaction in my eyes, and promptly placed a black olive in the center in disgust.

I haven't had one as good since.
Acceptable pizza toppings: steak, chicken, ground beef, ground sausage, ham, bacon, onion, pepper, tomato, garlic, mushroom, various cheeses. I don't want your 7 topping pizza that's a pile of slop I can't pick up. I judge pizza places on 2 metrics : their plain cheese and whether the slice can support itself without folding over and dumping is load. If they can't do that right, I'm not trying anything else. I'm a pizza snob
Acceptable pizza toppings: steak, chicken, ground beef, ground sausage, ham, bacon, onion, pepper, tomato, garlic, mushroom, various cheeses. I don't want your 7 topping pizza that's a pile of slop I can't pick up. I judge pizza places on 2 metrics : their plain cheese and whether the slice can support itself without folding over and dumping is load. If they can't do that right, I'm not trying anything else. I'm a pizza snob



Limp pizza is not what i'm looking for but if its good I can make exceptions.

The sauce is key in this situation. There was a pizza joint in Fl. that had limp ass pizza that's just the way they cooked them.
I hated the limp but kept going back for the freshness of ingredients.
Reheat leftover pizza in a covered pan on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Crisps up the crust while melting the cheese to the perfect temp. Best way to fix floppy pizza.
Best pizza around here is a local place started by 2 guys who came from Italy in the 1920's. Guys are long gone, but they sold the biz and recipes in the '90's and it still has a huge following.

Either you love it or you hate it. I love it.

It does not have mozzarella cheese, and they would never reveal their multi cheese combination. It was the 2nd pizza place in the area back when there were only 2 in the 1930's.

Those old guys would go nuts when talking about Pizza Hut or Dominos or any chain. They taught me Italian swear words I never heard before screaming about pizza chains and pounding their fists on the bar. Lol.

They had a meat slicer in the oven room and they would be back there slicing 4 different blocks of cheese to set up for the day. Very tangy cheese. My wife worked with one of those guy's daughter and she said there was some limburger in there.

Home made dough and sauce.

You couldn't buy an unbaked pizza, the old guys would sell it 'partially baked' to stiffen the dough, but I always thought it was to melt the cheese enough so you could figure out what kinds were on there.

It remains my favorite pizza of all time by a wide margin. I'd bet other Italians brought similar recipes over to other parts of the country to little shops.

This place was very independent, but every local mafia guy hung there in the '60's. That town was the 9th biggest mafia family in the US in the '50's through the '70's according to a book I read. And I didn't have to read that book to know there were a lot of goodfellas around.

A very historic local place, I always get 2 or 3 because it's the best cold breakfast pizza ever. The cheese is soooo fucking good, I only get pepperoni on it, don't want to drown the cheese in toppings.

Out of this world.
Acceptable pizza toppings: steak, chicken, ground beef, ground sausage, ham, bacon, onion, pepper, tomato, garlic, mushroom, various cheeses. I don't want your 7 topping pizza that's a pile of slop I can't pick up. I judge pizza places on 2 metrics : their plain cheese and whether the slice can support itself without folding over and dumping is load. If they can't do that right, I'm not trying anything else. I'm a pizza snob

(bolded conform to my homily)

When I was a child, I was a New York Pizza Fundamentalist. Only eight toppings were blessed by the pizza priests, a Catholic variant on the folks who could rule on kosher v. trayf.
These are (in no significant order):

Green bell peppers
Italian sausage

There are "gray zone" toppings, neither blessed nor damned. Purgatory

Salami, typically Genoa

But ham, pineapple, spinach, Buffalo chicken yadaa yadaa ... are of the Devil.

The Chicago Synod has its own phalanx of sainted supplements.

"When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." (1 Cor 13:11)

But those West Coasters, oh man, they're total pizza atheists.They make my poorly-controlled inner child make socially unacceptable sounds. I mean: These are the animals who invoked the lord of demons Pizzelzebub, with his most noxious manifestation being as Hawaiian pizza, which has pineapple and ham. (It should be Spam if we're being culturally correct.) This is veritable antimatter compared to the Eightfold Noble Foods.

Artichoke hearts are good food, but keep them off my (term of emphasis) pizza.


In keeping with my Mid'Lannic sensibilities, a pizza bagel is pretty righteous. Toasted half-bagel, sauce, Mozz*, and make mine sausage mushroom. ~kvells~ I had a beautiful specimen in '97 I think, not far from the Met, when my former employer wasted some money sending me to some convention in the Formidable Fruit. It sings softly in the tatters of my memory.

*pronounced like the apple juice brand

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(bolded conform to my homily)

When I was a child, I was a New York Pizza Fundamentalist. Only eight toppings were blessed by the pizza priests, a Catholic variant on the folks who could rule on kosher v. trayf.
These are (in no significant order):

Green bell peppers
Italian sausage

There are "gray zone" toppings, neither blessed nor damned. Purgatory

Salami, typically Genoa

But ham, pineapple, spinach, Buffalo chicken yadaa yadaa ... are of the Devil.

The Chicago Synod has its own phalanx of sainted supplements.

"When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." (1 Cor 13:11)

But those West Coasters, oh man, they're total pizza atheists.They make my poorly-controlled inner child make socially unacceptable sounds. I mean: These are the animals who invoked the lord of demons Pizzelzebub, with his most noxious manifestation being as Hawaiian pizza, which has pineapple and ham. (It should be Spam if we're being culturally correct.) This is veritable antimatter compared to the Eightfold Noble Foods.

Artichoke hearts are good food, but keep them off my (term of emphasis) pizza.


In keeping with my Mid'Lannic sensibilities, a pizza bagel is pretty righteous. Toasted half-bagel, sauce, Mozz*, and make mine sausage mushroom. ~kvells~ I had a beautiful specimen in '97 I think, not far from the Met, when my former employer wasted some money sending me to some convention in the Formidable Fruit. It sings softly in the tatters of my memory.

*pronounced like the apple juice brand
