we need a new forum


Well-Known Member
There's enough T and A on this forum already. I even posted naked girls taking bong hits, what more do you filthy animals want...


Well-Known Member
I would much prefer a better server, let Attitude pay 4/the upgrade since they slap their ads on all my threads.


please rollitup, we need a toke and tug.
Only if April mods! She can hang, dish, and bring the heat...and still keeps it classy. I'm in!

(The thread that is, not April.).

*Beta looks around and gives a Nervous lol*

Sorry... Couldn't resist.

(the snarky comment OR April, prolly).

Thanks folks. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Butt seriously. Have you've see the hat?

Hot chicks in hats, FTW!