• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

We need 1,000,000 votes for legalization!!! **please read!!!****


Well-Known Member
Do you guys seriously think a bunch of stoners calling a humor hotline is going to legalize weed. That's funnier than the hotline...


Active Member
This is legit. I just called it not even 3 seconds ago. ITS COMPLETELY FREE. I use a no contract cellular service which doesn't let me call anything that charges my phone bill and it accepted my call. It's completely legit and all you have to do is listen to a 30 second phone recording and then press pound at the end. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?!


Active Member
N even if you ARE a skeptik, whats it going to hurt to put your vote in one time? I mean, im still being realistic, i know that in all probability that LEGALIZATION wont happen, but i think that theres something to be done about Federal MMJ legalization for sure. If we show Obama that we have more than the supporters that hes asking for, then hell be more inclined to take us seriously. Just send the number to everyone you know, along with a short explanation, n tell them to do the same. Treat it like chainmail that may actually benefit you if you pass it along...lol

hell yea i did it and told all my freinds spread the word all we can do is try :peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
This is legit. I just called it not even 3 seconds ago. ITS COMPLETELY FREE. I use a no contract cellular service which doesn't let me call anything that charges my phone bill and it accepted my call. It's completely legit and all you have to do is listen to a 30 second phone recording and then press pound at the end. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?!

thirty seconds. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I called.

Nice touch at the end with the ad asking me to press 9 to play the hottest celebrity who's who game to win fabulous prizes.


Well-Known Member
Here was my reply to all of this nonsense...
To: Change.Org

I find it most amusing that change.org is posting any links to sites that advocate the repeal of marijuana prohibition. President Obama’s reply to the marijuana legalization advocates on March 26th spoke volumes. When posed with the idea of legalizing marijuana to assist the ailing economy his reply was, “I don’t know what this says about the online audience…..*laugh*” He then went on to say that legalizing marijuana is not the answer to the ailing economy.

He’s right that it’s not “the answer” but it is one of many that need to be implemented. Had he decided to research the topic or at least have a staff member do the research and summarize, he would find that the ‘War on Drugs’ costs roughly $800,000,000,000 annually and that $600,000,000,000 of that is specifically ear marked for marijuana criminal investigation and imprisonment. There is little doubt that the United States tax payers would appreciate a $6 Billion reduction in annual spending. The potential sales tax derived from the legalization of commercial marijuana sales only provide further incentive to legalize Marijuana. With the government spending trillions of dollars, $6 Billion isn’t much, but it’s a start.

In all honesty using the economy as an ‘excuse’ to right the wrongs from 80 years of government tyranny is circumventing the real facts about marijuana prohibition. Marijuana advocates who used this method only allowed for comedic break that allowed our President to perform for the television cameras. The fact is that United States citizens are dying and being imprisoned due to the prohibition on marijuana.

Since our Executive Branch of Government is not interested in doing the research for the people I shall do it here.

Fact: Marijuana prohibition started in the early 1930’s as a means to maintain profit margins for the industries of Petroleum, Cotton, and Alcohol with the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 after 21 states had criminalized possession of marijuana, these laws passed with little to no publicity or notification to the people.

Fact: Harry J. Anslinger sold the idea of marijuana prohibition with sensationalism media that was empirically inaccurate and racist against Blacks and Mexicans.

Fact: I the 1970’s 11 states decriminalized the possession of Marijuana. That was until the era of President Regan, who politicized the War on Drugs in the White House with the “Just say no campaign.”

Fact: President Regan’s 1982 appointment of Carlton Turner to the White House Drug Abuse Policy Office further tightened the prohibition of Marijuana through faulty research as well as claims that marijuana induced homosexuality those who use marijuana. The war on drugs was now racist and homophobic.

Fact: The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Amendment Act of 1988 dramatically lengthened the sentences handed out to people who cultivated, sold and possessed Marijuana. This made the criminal penalties for Marijuana as strict as those for heroin.

Fact: There has not been a single credible study citing that Marijuana has any ill effects when ingested or vaporized.

Fact: Smoking marijuana is no more nor less harmful than smoking tobacco.

Fact: Alcohol usage causes more vehicular fatalities than marijuana.

Fact: The War on Drugs has not successfully restricted the usage of Marijuana nor restricted the availability of it.

Fact: On March 26th 2009, President Barak Obama knowingly and willingly insulted his supporters with an off the cuff remark and laugh. This showed just how exaggerated the claims of his intelligence were during the election process. When compared to President Bush most pre-school students appear to be geniuses.

Now that the facts are in, Mr. President exactly how does the prohibition of Marijuana help our ailing economy? Mr. President what happened to the promise of change from your campaign? Were those promises only for those who are extremely wealthy and in the pockets of the Democratic lobbyists? Mr. President how do you feel about the fact that you have openly supported legislation that was publicized to the people as a means of preventing crime because ‘it (marijuana) caused inferior races to go insane’ by Mr. Anslinger? Mr. President who do you really care about, the people of the United States of America or just those who give exorbitant amounts of money to the DNC?


Well-Known Member
@ Retired: Shared that snipped you posted there with a few of the warez boards I like to patrol, idk if you wrote it yourself but if you did it's very good and to the point.


Well-Known Member
The phone #'s a waste of time. A legitimate poll would ask for your name or some other identifier unique to you so you can only vote once.

It sounds more like a publicity stunt for the website to me.


Junior Creatologist
Yeah, thats really well put together dude. You should be putting that on over to Norml (your state chapter), MPP, Change.org, OPN, n any other pro medical, pro cannabis organizations you can think of. Not so much to make a point, so much as to get THEM to send it on forward to the people that THEYRE trying to get to pay attention.

All it takes is really for one voice to be heard in order for people to pay attention. Thousands of people can send in rants, letters pleading to legalize, or even jumbled thoughts slapped into an email n sent out, and it all gets swept to the side and ignored. All it takes is for that one person to put together a well thought out plan of attack, and they could sway the one person's opinion that will get them heard.

In my state, it took one woman essentially to get the ball rolling. Tonya Davis started writing her congressman about legalizing MMJ to help her out, but she didnt stop there. She started her own Youtube show, she has myspace pages, twitter pages, facebook pages, and she still writes to congress weekly, just to get her point across. She eventually got the attention of her congressman, and now theyre fighting together to make Ohio's MMJ bill an issue to be taken seriously, and considered for legalization in 2009. If the bill gets passed in our secondary hearing, then we will have her directly to thank for it.

Thats the type of thing that needs to be done country wide. People just randomly writing in to their congressman or senate (while it IS a good idea, and we should be writing frequently) may be semi-futile, but all it takes is one voice to be heard in one well thought out plan of attack, and it could change what happens for tens of thousands of people in that person's state. Things are going great for our cause, but they could be going better, and things could be a little better organized, if it werent for people being so scared to speak out, due to wanting to remain anonymous for fear of getting busted for who they are. People should still write each and every day to their gov't, anonymous or not, and tell them how important this is, but we should also be able to have a spokesperson for our cause in every state (until we can push for federal legalization), who is willing to become a "poster child"(lol) for that state's cause.

Diligence is what makes shit happen. N the same thing goes for all these phone polls, and surveys, and census type deals that all of these websites have. No matter how insignificant you think it may be, you never know whats gonna be that one straw that breaks the camel's back in this thing, so if its not gonna cost you much, if anything at all, then why not get involved in any way you can? Even if you prefer to remain anonymous,-- n believe me, i understand why most people here at RIU would wanna remain anonymous, lol--, you can still do something no matter how small, to help push us forward even that one extra inch.

I dont see why people would shrug something like this off and dismiss it like it doesn't mean anything. ESPECIALLY people from this site, where all we wanna do pretty much is to be able to grow our weed without anybody coming down on us, or more importantly, to be able to grow without wanting to rip our hair out due to paranoia, lol. Why would you be a skeptic if there was even a MY-NOOT (i dont know how to spell that word, lol) chance that you would be able to grow your dope in peace??

I mean, unless you enjoy being persecuted on a daily basis for what we all do here...


Well-Known Member
@ Retired: Shared that snipped you posted there with a few of the warez boards I like to patrol, idk if you wrote it yourself but if you did it's very good and to the point.
Yes I wrote it. I had about 9 windows open double checking my facts. Feel free to pass it around if you wish. I agree that we need to be more vigilant in doing this and I'm trying to find more free time to be able to do more than pass out petitions and write letters but I also have a huge family (well 2 small families, being a polyamorist is very time consuming) and work about 80 hours a week.

Last night I had some idle time to hammer out that letter and write a few to our local legislators in Florida. Hopefully next week I'll get another 200 - 300 MMJ petitions signed for Florida, but time is short and I'm doing what I can on my own dime and sadly the mortgage has to come first. It's very frustrating when I write 20 letters in one evening and both e-mail and hand mail them out and only get an automated 'thanks for your thouhts' reply from these morons who keep getting elected. Maybe it will make a difference maybe it won't, but at the end of the day I'm hoping that one day we'll be able to do many things without government interference, MMJ is just one of my many crussades.



Well-Known Member
Well I really like to see you have the ambition to get up and get out to do something for the cause. I'll spread this allover to help at least inform some people that may not already be informed or even involved in the subject.
DUDE THATS FKIN AWESOME>>> I CALLED AND ITS exactly what I saw on youtube.

LMBO thats fkin sweet dude


The number is: 1-973-409-3274 - to legalize pott