We may be standing on the verge of world war


Well-Known Member
Look at russias leader.
He's a fucking nut job, all russian leaders have been.

China will side with Russia. (communism connection..kinda.. )
Japan has a score to settle with america. (nagasaki and heroshima)
Iraq would probably side with russia because their enemy has been the georgian peeps..

England should just stay the fuck out of it.

War = money.
War = Totalitarian re..rea.. ah fuck knows how to spell it.

After this war terrorism scares are gonna cause the government to tighten it's grip on civilians.

That's my view.

A good quote i read once..

"The 3rd world war will be fought with nuclear bombs.
The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones."

or something along those lines.
Iraq is not gona wanna fuck with us agiain


Active Member
bush will be outa office by the time if we had a world war
yea and whoever becomes the next pres wont be wanting any wars in his first months of presidency.

also, the gulf war was pretty much the Soviets helping the Iraqi's and Americans helping Kuwait, but no fighting between these so called 'sponsers' ensued.


Active Member
Japan has a score to settle with america. (nagasaki and heroshima)
haha Japan loves America right now, and due to treaties passed after WWII Japan can't have a large fighting force. Japan's not going to be a player in all this.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are simple, thank god I'm moving to Alaska in 3 weeks. On a more serious note, I think Russia will pull back if things get too heated... they wouldn't want to risk war with us, it would be suicide for both nations.

alaska is buried in ash. lol 10 times worse than cali's wildfires. lol have fun. nothing wrong with a little sulfur dioxide to keep the lungs pumping. lol :mrgreen::peace: Alaska Airlines cancels 44 flights over volcanic ash | Industries | Autos & Transport | Reuters



Well-Known Member
I know there's nukes pointed at me, I live near a missile defense base, there's going to be a big hole where my town is, I don't trip, it will end in a millisecond.


Well-Known Member
it's getting bad again. this may end up happening. our military is spread pretty thin at the moment as well. hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
weve got bases in most of the countrys surrounding iran, including georgia..and there is a massive fleet of ships coming up to the persian gulf..Iran is allies with russia..we told russia to get out of georgia or there will be consequesnces..Do you really think we just have bases around iran for no reason and a huge naval fleet coming up..say hello to ww3 my friends


stays relevant.
i sometimes wonder if it would be such a bad thing. a limited nuclear exchange, the decimation of a major portion of the population and the lingering memory in the minds of the survivors of just how far a little bit of saber rattling can go (provided, of course, that there are survivors). a bit of a return to savagery to remind us that we are merely residents here and a lasting monument of the foolishness of our quest for dominion.

i must be a little depressed this morning. i usually don't go into these fatalistic funks unless i've been drinking.
Obviously you have no idea what happens to the earth when you get into the realm of nuclear weapons. Shame on you!



Well-Known Member
Maybe I should think about buying one of those abandoned missile silo's we all went crazy for last month. Anyone wanna put in? I got 5 on it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should think about buying one of those abandoned missile silo's we all went crazy for last month. Anyone wanna put in? I got 5 on it.
That would be great, all of us in a pit underground, smoking it up till the nuclear holocaust is over. XDD
"Hey man, who wants to go check if the radiation's gone down?"
"Not me muthafukka!"

Medicine man and CCodine constantly fighting. We'd all finally get to meet Garden Knowm

Anybody here read 'Alas, Babylon' while they were in school?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I could imagine it now... everyone doing their own kind of grow, say we have 10-15 grow rooms, We Tarded yelling about Ron Paul and chemtrails and not landing on the moon, GK teaching us how to stay in shape, Fdd crying about now having to grow indoors :lol: it'd be a great adventure.