We do grow in HS

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The second wash is critical Mr Duck. That little bastard called the law of attraction. You get a much more creamy result with the extra wash trust me... Rory look on e-bay for 'mini washing machines' they take a whole heap of trim and ice, agitate just right, and then you just drain through the bags into the buckets after a 10 minute wash cycle. You should be able to get second hand for under 100 USD. Best investment a hash maker can make, no more slog or frozen fingers!!!


Well-Known Member
yea ham,ive been shown the washing machine tek by a friend..i just only have one line of water at the grow,its hooked to the r.o. filter,and even if it wasnt,the water line brings sulfur smelling water..i could do it with bottled distilled water,but,there goes that "work alarm" again..ill get it done,or keep adding to the pile of trim..maybe ill pay a friend to do it..free hash for making it!


Well-Known Member
it does,i fill two 33gal trash cans for the garden alternating..id run out of water for one room or the other i suppose...it takes 8 hours to filk up a can and thats being generous..its a well with a pump,so i can only get but so much water.either way,if i have a washer at my house or the grow,ill still have to get distilled water...no chlorine in my hash..or oil,or plants:-)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Ah yeah, without good water easily available that makes bubble a bit of a hassle even with nice tools. I have thought about ways to attach an orbital sander to a screen so it just vibrates it and all I have to do is throw a handful of herb on every now and then. I REALLY should get on to the idea, been banging about in my head for YEARS. You can even do multiple micron sizes on one screen. It will be noisy as all get out, but it will work.

Wells can be tricky and very unpredictable. Can you get a water analysis to me perchance? Let's just say I know a thing or two there and I have some great resources to help.


Well-Known Member
ive got a tri-meter..thats all tha analysis i need:-)..the water stays perfect..its a well dug below a lake in a valley..lots of fresh runoff,but the lake aspect gives it a sulfur smell...r.o. takes it all out tho!
there is an apparatus like your sander idea that is on the market..the guy that gave me my fruity chronic juice clone has one..he made some superb wax with it..he explained its a metal box with three trays,each with ascending micron screen trays...vibrate till done! the wax was textbook worthy i may add..this guy is 75yrs old,so i figure a little experience in picking such a machine should be also noteworthy...slept in way late,gotta get in front of the bong..btw,my kali mist is stickier than a whores pillow,and tastes like pineapple bubblegum..oh yes,im happy:-D


Well-Known Member
I think most of the sections here could use a simultaneous dose of MDMA. That ought to help them get along for a little while...


Well-Known Member
yea was noticing your predicament hamm..i have 3 kids so i stay far. away from diagreements...lol..isnt amazing us spuntards
are more level headed?...i think. the whole world is insane,and lsd cures the insanity and replaces it with understanding..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
In real life I am the same Rory... Same as you, mountain lad so IF there is a fight, it costs me money. You just don't expect that on a canna forum eh?! But I did take the opportunity to see how far my tolerance stretches. All is good as long as you make it so.
Acid sure calmed the beast within me man. I am so lucky my wife can handle 500 mics too (a friend of mine gave her two 250 mic drops as a first dose, I cringed when I saw two drop out, apparently I got 3 on the tongue that day lol) so it is one of the few pleasures I can really still rely on.
It feels like going SANE to me, this feeling of kinda 'coming home' or just being full, hard to explain. I make more sense to myself on acid, and one strong dose can sort a lot of shit really fast.
Down in S.A 'dabs' mean small hits of mum and dad (molly to you guys), the good ones only come in grams and nobody carries scales to a festi dancefloor, so we have this thing for dipping a finger into the baggie... Little 'dabs' I forget sometimes the same words are totally different slang as you cross borders.


Well-Known Member
we do the same with our penisis!
"full tip molly dip! free if you plug it!"
lol..really we share "pinky dips"..which to me translates to lickin your thumb and pressing down in an oz of mdma..idk what these reserved hippys are thinking using their pinkys..silly custies...
i only use a scale for 2cb,lsd,and r.c...sometime i like to make it interesting then and forgo a. scale also..im silly like that:-D


Well-Known Member
what do said about skipping a scale with 2c's is wrong. people die that way dude kids in my state did. you cant eyeball 30mg of powder