We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
nice grow Vega! hope you dont have to shut it down cuz of the bullshit your dealing with...
Def not...got that already worked out goin to set the closet up this evening actually. ...thanks man....actually gotta cool little spot to rent otf my buddy til I find a more permanent spot...he's renti me the upstairs of his house...I'm coachin him thru his first grow at the moment..he just sprouted his first two seedlings....he's got a couple extra closets


Well-Known Member
nice grow Vega! hope you dont have to shut it down cuz of the bullshit your dealing with...
Def not...got that already worked out goin to set the closet up this evening actually. ...thanks man....actually gotta cool little spot to rent otf my buddy til I find a more permanent spot...he's renti me the upstairs of his house...I'm coachin him thru his first grow at the moment..he just sprouted his first two seedlings....he's got a couple extra closets....so everythings cool as far as that goes. ..thank God


Well-Known Member
They are next to the plants on the soil right there.... 11 days old now..... not ready to re pot yet....I still have to go buy one more bag of soil for one of the plants....


Well-Known Member
I feel ya... i Only up canned 9 plants this morning and my lower back hurts a little still... back breaking work ...moving dirt around..


Well-Known Member
yeah pro-mix is a great base start for your garden! I had to redo this round guys so now I am trying white indica from cere's seeds. A gift from a friend. Then im gonna grow out some sensi seeds afghani. Have 5 of each in the bean popper, yep im going old-school pheno-hunt from bean fuck it. I will keep updates here weekly. http://www.ceresseeds.com/online/en/white-indica.html tis all I could find on the white indica but I was given SEVERAL of them so I grabbed 5 and threw into the mix! I am excited about what ive read about the sensi afghani!


Well-Known Member
I use promix bx..the myco helps but I add great white and last week or so I got a freebie from the shop,its botanicares version..I forget the name off hand..


Well-Known Member
I use the botanicare grow and bloom,blastoff,cal mag,foxfarm bigbloom and botanicare powerflower 3rd week of flowering..mollassas also(the store I got my organic molassas from just closed..I got 5 gallons for 20$!)..
R.I.P. Afro samurai...my partner set her away from the lights and forgot to put her back..she stretched till she fell over..oh well..I have shittons more seeds...she's in pot heaven getting smoked by jerry and jimi...


Well-Known Member
I got spider mites on at least one of the plants...I noticed them before I bought the clones but my options were limited....


Well-Known Member
I'd rather start from seed. If they're vegging nuke the fuckers with Avid. Do not fuck around with them!


Well-Known Member
I am going to Lowes or Home Depot to get whatever they sling over there...anything that says Bayer or whatever name brands..... I don't trust grow shop voodoo bullshit anymore....I also don't really care about using harmful chemicals. Give me the most powerful nasty killing shit around as long as it does not harm the leafs

some crazy fucking indian dude on here has a write up about making a pepper spray... OMG that has got to be a painful process ...jalepeno pepper ...LOL I got to find the dudes post...he is dead serious about using naturalistic shit only...


Well-Known Member
I'd rather start from seed. If they're vegging nuke the fuckers with Avid. Do not fuck around with them!
busy little fuckers aren't they? each female can lay 300 eggs. the female to male ratio is 3-1 If you see them , you need to kill them within three days. That is the magic window... if you let them go...say you take a vacation and come back to a garden 6 days later... the whole garden could be 100%infested with webs and mites.

On the other hand spider mite predators lay 600 eggs and the female to male ratio is 6-1....I wish I could afford them... not to be a naturalist but because I like watching bug wars.... I use to put termites in ant holes as a kid....thats a good battle


Well-Known Member
I know people who've tried the predators mites. You can keep the spidermite population in check with them if you have a room they can't get out of but they don't eliminate them.
Avid is not voodoo grow shop bullshit. It's a pretty damned hardcore miticide. Or you can go full on chemical warfare and break out the Floramite. Organophosphates will kill the problem.


Well-Known Member
The pepper spray is a sound method for light infestation...I've never had spidermites..my friend did on his little outdoor grow I helped with when I was 17..we didn't even know what the webs came from..lol..they are the one reason my friends call me a 'clone snob'..I won't accept any clone into my garden untill I give em a good inspection and see them grow a day outside of my grow..9 times outta ten when people offer,halfway through the offer I'm allready shaking my head no and saying'its cool,I got no room for em...'
Sucks they sell infested clones..do they know?


Well-Known Member
They do not bother me at all... only lazy people get big infestations... you can actually just squeeze them to death....this morning I just dipped my fingers in soapy water and rubbed the infested leafs.... I only have 10 plants..if I let spider mites take over a 10 plant grow then I would be a pretty lazy grower.....
The first grow I ever helped harvest was a buddy of mine...he was a lazy grower and had mite infestation bad up through harvest. I trimmed and hardly even noticed the mites...if I came across a bud with webs I would just brush them off and make it look pretty...could not even tell..... I guess some people are all weird about it and inspect their buds before they smoke them... wtf... its just a bug...i wonder if those people realize how much bug they eat every time they use ketchup or inhale.
That is crazy you get mites back East too... the weather seems too extreme.... Spider mites and their predators are very very interesting and there is still much to learn about them.... the mites must have some hibernation mode where they can withstand extreme temperatures..


Well-Known Member
Idk man..my area get the extreme of both sides..-10 winter and 100 summers..and humid as fuck..I had never seen mites till that summer my buddy grew 6 bag seeds(5 females! Cha ching!) But it was crap weed except the one that got infested(waa waa waaaahhhh)..
I did find a moldy dead mouse in my soil 'trash' pile..does that count as an infestation..?