Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest


Hey ok so I am waiting on my magnifine glass to come in the mail and I'm freaking out cause I think my plants might be ready to harvest now and I'm worried I am going to miss the best harvest time... is there anyway I can tell if they are ready besides checking with a magnafine glass?? My camera wont take pics close enough to even bother posting pics right now. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
if 80 % of the hairs are red I think its getting late, I harvest when 50-60% hairs are red, from my experience


Active Member
I wouldnt recommend going by hairs ive had hairs go red as early as 4 weeks into flower so id judge by time size and looks untill u get your magnifying glass


Ok well on some parts of a plan they are prob about 50-60% red hairs but on the rest of the plant they are only like maybe 20-30% red. Does that make sence what I said.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I rarely bother checking trichs, if it looks like a great bud, then i'll consider harvesting it. In my mind, if you're within the harvest window, that is to say there aren't white hairs everywhere etc, then i don't see such a thing as a bad time to harvest, sure the type of high might be slightly different, but it still fucks me up one way or another :) when i do check trichs, it generally jut reafirms what i'm already thinking.

If you're a new grower, best thing to keep in mind is that seems 90% of them, just to pull a figure out of thin air, harvest long before it's really worthy of harvesting.


tip top toker: I am a new grower, this is my first grow. I can see that there is alot building up around the buds but obviously can`t see the colour without the magnafine glass. So I shouldnt worry so much (question mark) haha sorry my question mark button all the sudden isn`t working!


Well-Known Member
if you are happy with their size and their look and it's your first grow, sometimes its better to harvest earlier then wait and get mold or whatever...


Active Member
just go to radio shack or your local hydro shop. They both should have a small microscope under 15$, you never wanna worry if your bud could have been better

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
tip top toker: I am a new grower, this is my first grow. I can see that there is alot building up around the buds but obviously can`t see the colour without the magnafine glass. So I shouldnt worry so much (question mark) haha sorry my question mark button all the sudden isn`t working!
I went without a microscope for my first grow of 4 different strains, i simply harvested based on how they looked in comparisson to other peples harvest pics of the strains or simply other peoples harvest pics. They all got me nice and high. I'm a laid back grower i'll not deny it, but i have always felt that people put way too much thought and stress into the harest date, as if it has to be done on a certain set day else it's a wasted crop.

My simple way of thinking, with cannabis, and with a lot of things in life, is that we have managed quite happily for just the odd year or two or five or thousand without this need for fancy toys, so what makes it so essential all of a sudden, it's the same plant that people have bee harvesting for thousands of years before the jewelers loup was available, so is it really that essential. I will always maintain that people are intentionally making cannabis as "hard" to grow as possible in order to sell as many toys and trinkets as possible.