Ways Naggers Bother You


Well-Known Member
I'm for men's rights. Men should have the right to tell a woman "if you have that kid you're on your own!"
yeah, and if she decides she doesn't want to then she shouldn't have to have it, regardless of whether the guy approves or disagrees or if she even knows who the guy is, it's no ones problem or business but hers, and if she decides to get rid of it then her insurance should have to pay for it, that's the point of insurance after all. Notice how those idiots also mentioned guns on their signs, they shouldn't be allowed to have guns, I hate nagging idiots like them


Well-Known Member
So should men
Only men in the military, we can't have just anyone running around with guns, this isn't a Rambo movie, we can't have some yahoo hero wannabe trying to do something dumb, that's what we pay professionals for, and they should be the only ones who have guns, if other people do to it just makes it more difficult for them to do their job.


Well-Known Member
Only men in the military, we can't have just anyone running around with guns, this isn't a Rambo movie, we can't have some yahoo hero wannabe trying to do something dumb, that's what we pay professionals for, and they should be the only ones who have guns, if other people do to it just makes it more difficult for them to do their job.
But the pros keep killing innocent people. Maybe they need more practice?


Well-Known Member
Only men in the military, we can't have just anyone running around with guns, this isn't a Rambo movie, we can't have some yahoo hero wannabe trying to do something dumb, that's what we pay professionals for, and they should be the only ones who have guns, if other people do to it just makes it more difficult for them to do their job.
What do the women in the forces get? image.jpg


Well-Known Member
But the pros keep killing innocent people. Maybe they need more practice?
It happens from time to time, but that is the price me must pay for safety, imagine if more people were armed, it would make the job of the enforcers more dangerous and difficult.
lol Police state sheeple's finest
you sound like some kind of wack job, what kind of state would like? a anarchist wasteland run by criminals, people like you make me laugh, if you don't like it here move to Somalia, people like you shouldn't have guns and that's why we need more laws to be sure you don't
I know, right? Seriously?
typical uninformed gun and bible clutching moron.
It's not the 1800's anymore, you don't need guns psycho, and shouldn't be allowed to have them, there is no reason for it
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