Good luck finding Everclear with this holidemic ongoing...190 proof everclear (95% grain alcoho) get 3.5g of bud grind it down to a powder cook it at 325f for 5 min pre heat with cookie sheet or tin foil used as a pan...once it’s up to temp spread you bud on pan try not to have any mounds u want it flat as possible.... close the oven start your 5 min as soon as it’s done take out and dump that eith into a glass Mason jar (their should be 2oz of everclear in their before u put the bud in).... close the lid tight and shack the piss out of it...... fill a pan with hot water and put the glass masonr jar in their and simmer the water at 185F for 40 min then dum into a comfy filter and squeeze the bud to get as much liquid out as possible... boom your done You should have 1oz left after simmering the mixture to evaporate the alcoho and also concentrating the strength 1 ml is a strong dose 10ml is a ride with the devil
We’ve got it here in Florida aka a state full of idiots. Wish I could send you some. It’s at Publix liquor store. Maybe you can buy it online?Good luck finding Everclear with this holidemic ongoing...