Wavy Gravy


Well-Known Member
OK for those of you who dont know who WavyGravy is his real name is Hugh Nanton Romney..He was best friend to lenny bruce,Roomate to bob dylan,merry prankster,hog farmer, enviromentalist, entertainer, politician,kids camp director, and clown prince of pot.He ran a pig for president.etc.etc.etc.. was or is still a very cool guy look him up... He was in the june 93 issue of high times.. thats where i got most of that up top..


Well-Known Member
yeah i think he still is or was like 2 years ago when i went ton vegoose i think he was there for the acid test 40th reunion party or something like that


Well-Known Member
Yeah im pretty sure hes still alive, but all I can find is stuff from a couple of years ago... I wonder who he would run for pres this time...