Watt/sq. foot or Lumens/watt?

When choosing CFLs what is more important - watts per square foot or lumens per watt? Very limited grow space. Looking at Purple Ryder as the possible candidate.


Well-Known Member
between your two choices I would go with watts per foot. True watts, not equivalent. 30-50 preferably.


Well-Known Member
Its lumens per sqft!! Wtf??

bleaching happens when the plant can't provide enough chlorophyll to handle the amount of light your trying to give regardless of temp, it happens over 10,000 lumens per sqft, all plants are different though sativas handle better in general than indica. The leaves turn yellow even white and the plant doesn't grow as fast. Some like to say lux is better but according to google 1 lumen (per square foot) is equal too 10.7369104lux...the sun under perfect conditions is about 120,000 lux which is the most plants have adapted too. That equates to about 10,000 lumens per sqft but not consistently..likewise 2100 lumens is required to sustain photosynthesis

You should aim for the suns average output...bout 7k per sqft