wats the cheapest seed banks?


Active Member
What the fuck how can you complain of seed prices? Cant you grow 7 grams? That 80 bucks and should evdn pay for another order ? You get what you pay for hell grow oz you can afford to buy seeds or stop growing go to texas and get mex seed for free? FDB!


Active Member
40 $ with five free seeds seems pretty reasonable for 10 THC Bomb. You got yourself some damn fine genetics there.


New Member
Im new at growin and just wanted some opinions douche bag I wasnt complaining. And thanks red that's the type of answer I was trying to get. I appreciate ur normal response.

big bud 56

Active Member
yeah,those guys suck.
You may not believe this but I ordered two different strains from them,afghani and northern lights.

They sent twelve each of both strains.

Out of 24 seeds total only ONE germinated.
I could not believe it.
I will never ever order from them again.
You get what you pay for in this case.
I am still hunting for a good,reasonably priced seed bank to order from.
A bank that has seefds with good,reliable genetics.
My very 1st seed order was from http://www.cannabisseeds.com/. $19 for 12 seeds now and I think it was even cheaper then. You get to pick a strain name but the breeder is unknown. Only got a 50% germ rate and have never used them again.

Growbase seeds

New Member
i new to the business myself im just looking through the seedbank reviews and cant believe how many bad experiences everyone has with these so called big company surely they want to keep customers happy