

Well-Known Member
Just trying to get other’s people view on watering. I’m in veg one more week I will go into flower. I have 5 gallon fabric pots. I water every other day about a quart and a 1/2 of water. Just wondering what others are watering at this time frame. I put a quart each plant then wait 5 minutes and add another half to it since the fabric pots start to leak out sides.
Goes differently with each plant bro sometimes i have a hungry one in the bunch or the soil is holding more.
Not every thing in a grow needs exact measurements some things are are a need basis if your girl is thirsty give her water and dont worry as much about the small things like that because itll blind you from bigger problems, just make sure your ph is good and you'll be fine.
Just like he said.. Or do a capilarity watering check how much water gets absorb be each plant in 30 minute. and next feeding you'll see if you have a consistancy or an imbalance since the last feeding all plant had a saturation. After that u can sort them in order from need more water towards one end if gros space and need less water on the othrr side This way you wont break your head on which need what when. Like guydude mention all plants are diffrent and simetime you have phonotype that pops up like bigger root systeme or faster growth. And only you can be the juge of that since in need testing and evaluation which we cannot truly provide... I could use the same size pot and vege diffrent strain ir veg diffrent amount of week and the watering need yiuld be diffrent let alone all the type if soil and how or what we mixed into it..
I'm assuming your in soil?

Realistically you shouldn't be watering every other day yet. Maybe once your in full bloom they will start requiring water that fast but they shouldn't be yet while in veg. Unless your growing trees like @Renfro l You should stick to wet/dry cycles.

Soak the pot so you get runoff, then let the pot dry out where the plants are almost close to wilting, then soak it again.

Watering on a schedule is a remedy for overwatering or salt build up if no runoff
I'm assuming your in soil?

Realistically you shouldn't be watering every other day yet. Maybe once your in full bloom they will start requiring water that fast but they shouldn't be yet while in veg. Unless your growing trees like @Renfro l You should stick to wet/dry cycles.

Soak the pot so you get runoff, then let the pot dry out where the plants are almost close to wilting, then soak it again.

Watering on a schedule is a remedy for overwatering or salt build up if no runoff
every other day soil is dry and I pick plant up and it feels dry so I know it need water. So do you think I should water more each time and try to go every 3 days before watering again
every other day soil is dry and I pick plant up and it feels dry so I know it need water. So do you think I should water more each time and try to go every 3 days before watering again

Yes precisely, you want to water enough so you get some runoff coming out of the pots, this helps avoid salt build up and ensures the entire root ball is saturated. Then when you lift the pots and notice them getting light, soak again. As they get bigger they will begin drinking more and more water and require more frequent feedings.

You can continue as you are and may never have an issue, but doing the wet/dry cycling and flooding the pots will decrease chances of many issues for sure.

Best of luck