

Well-Known Member
if you water every 2-3 days. how much water do u put one each plant. i don't want to over water.

question if my humidity is like 50% does that mean i can water less because of all the humidity.
temp sits right around 72-78 when lights are one and 62-63 when lights are off.


New Member
well it depends on allot of factors, such as pot size, how old/tall are your plants, how well your soil drains, and a few other factors so no one will be able to know the correct information to tell you with so little info about your set up.


Active Member
I use close to 4L of water every week for watering and I am only using 4 4'' pots and 1 6'' pot and I water then 3 times a week


Well-Known Member
you probably want to raise your night temps. Anything below 60 is bad. Saturate the pots completely. You can even sit them in standing water for a few min so they fully saturate the soil. Just make sure your soil drains well. If your pot is still heavy but your top two inches are dry you should change your potting mix- dont water them at this point or you will kill them.


Well-Known Member
and do u leave the humidifier running all the time, or should u turn the humidifier off when i turn the lights off.


New Member
that means you are at 7.0 and is ok. The best ph would be 6.5 you could try to adjust the ph but they will be fine. Just keep a good track of your ph and let em grow.


Well-Known Member
I did not read the thread so im sorry if im being redundant,the biggest thing to properly watering your plants is getting past the thinking that they should be watered on a schedule,or with a set amount of water.

There are so many factors to using the right amount of water its nearly impossible to explain to another grower what to do in his room with his plants,the same plant can drink more one week to the next.

Just start paying close attention to your soil & plants,even take a few notes,you'll get a feel for it then it becomes very simple & easy.