

Ok I've got a total nub question but I've got to ask. When watering should I water from the top or the bottom? Some people I talk to say to only water from the bottom and let the plant suck the water up.. others say to water from the top and let it overflow out the bottom. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
if you're using a peat based soil mix you should top water to flush the soil out as the peat will break down as it ages and sour the soil.
I like to bottom water seedlings only.


Well-Known Member
I recently watered one of my ladies and left it (the pot) in the pan the was catching the water and it burnt the shit outta her. I would always water from the top and get at least 20% runoff


Ahh good to know.. I'm using fox farms ocean something mix, and have been letting it sit in the pan because I did not know better (and I was told that I should be watering from the bottom up).. I'll put some blocks under it and give it a good flushing and then start from the top from now on. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I only bottom feed/water in pots well into the grow when the topsoil can become somewhat hydrophobic,also when watering for months on end from the top water will take the path of least resistance,making numerous 'rivers' in the pots and not saturating the entire pot.

Also if u have small seedlings in large containers the root system might not be large enough to absorb water efficiently from bottom up.