Well-Known Member
I haven't been on this site very long, but I sure have come across alot of warnings to not overwater your plants. I know how harmful it can be, but sheesh, you make a guy afraid to water them at all.
"Don't give them anything til their really dry" "Don't give them anything if you can feel any moisture when you stick your finger into the soil" "Make sure those freakin things are dry" From what I've read, it gives a person the impression that they're doomed to die or guaranteed to have major problems if you water them a little too early, or a little too often.
That's simply not true, unless you really get carried away. Cannabis is a water-loving plant, requiring moisture to thrive.(most strains) And IMO, it's better to keep them a little moist, rather than drying them excessively because you're too worried about overwatering. As long as you're not starving the roots of oxygen, or keeping them soaked to the point of root-rot, they will do great, especially in veg.
On my first grow, I didn't know much at all. I had the cheapest topsoil I could find, with zero perlite or rocks in it for drainage, and watered it once, heavily, every single day throughout the entire grow, and they did awesome, without any issues. I'm not saying that was the right way to do it, because i know it was wrong, and I don't do that anymore. What I am saying, is that all this talk is scaring the new guys out of watering them enough, and likely doing more harm than good. If those roots at the bottom of the pot are dry, then that plant isn't taking in any nutrients or moisture,(at those roots) which is a big no-no. I wonder how many new guys have left them roots dry for a day or two, because they were afraid to overwater? I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't the cause of some of these problems that are difficult to diagnose.
*end rant*
Okay now, fight nice.

On my first grow, I didn't know much at all. I had the cheapest topsoil I could find, with zero perlite or rocks in it for drainage, and watered it once, heavily, every single day throughout the entire grow, and they did awesome, without any issues. I'm not saying that was the right way to do it, because i know it was wrong, and I don't do that anymore. What I am saying, is that all this talk is scaring the new guys out of watering them enough, and likely doing more harm than good. If those roots at the bottom of the pot are dry, then that plant isn't taking in any nutrients or moisture,(at those roots) which is a big no-no. I wonder how many new guys have left them roots dry for a day or two, because they were afraid to overwater? I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't the cause of some of these problems that are difficult to diagnose.
*end rant*

Okay now, fight nice.