Watering with mollassess and fertilizer need help..


Hello everyone,

I warmed up a bit more then a litre of water and added about 1.5 tbsp of mollasess. I then mixed it and cooled it, then i added about a litre of this mix to 10l can of pure water and i also added some fertilizer, which is 10-50-10(I'm in 3rd week of flowering), i only added about 50% of what it states per 10l. Before that i checked water ph. My digital ph is cheap one, and not currently calibrated, it showed 6.4, but i also tested with aquarium test, it showed around 6.8, which i think is correct. But becouse of mollasses coloring water aquarium ph meter is not usable anymore... I did try with uncalibrated digital meter i mentioned before, and it showed 5.4-5.5 .. So i was adding lime, becouse i don't have a pH up thing.. I was just adding it and measuring, but it was a lot of lime to get it to 6.1, so i left it there. I know i shouldn't relay on that pH meter but what do you guys think??
I also mixed the soil with lime on beginning, as it's supposed to neutralize the pH, and so far it is all great, i don't want to ruin my grow. I did give them a shot of that mix, and i will also attach photo of water, or whatever that is :-)

Please tell me what do you guys think, am i doing it wrong? I never messed with pH much, but it showed out in past i should sometimes..



Well-Known Member
IMO, if you want to PH your water, do it with the nutes first, and don't worry about adding the molasses.
I PH my water down from 7.9 to 6.6-6.8, then add molasses.
Been doing it that way for a couple months, and no issues, except I am going to add some epsom next watering, as I am getting signs of MAG deficiency. (I think LOL)


IMO, if you want to PH your water, do it with the nutes first, and don't worry about adding the molasses.
I PH my water down from 7.9 to 6.6-6.8, then add molasses.
Been doing it that way for a couple months, and no issues, except I am going to add some epsom next watering, as I am getting signs of MAG deficiency. (I think LOL)

But i see no difference in anyway to lower pH, using fertilizer or mollassess. Won't my soil pH drop too much if i water with too low pH?
Also, when you water with mollassess and fertilizer, is it normal that the water gets so dirty colored, is that safe?
However, after a day from feeding them that mix they still look great. But i didn't give them much..
Oh and one more thing, should i mix mollasses right before watering? I'm noticing that after a day or two, the mix begins to smell really bad, like some compost or something..

Thanks for quick replay imchucky666. Hope i get few more details and opinons from people here with experiences.


Well-Known Member
You can put some powdered dolomite lime on top of the soil and let it water in to raise your soil PH, but it will work gradually over a few waterings so don't expect to see a change right away.
I just put my tap water into a bucket for a day, and let the chlorine evaporate off, (It does make a difference, I am checking with a pool kit also) then use 1 capful of distilled white vinegar per liter of water to bring the PH down from almost 8 to about 6.6-6.8
I don't check it again after adding my nutes and molasses, because like you say, the water changes color.
I usually just put some of my water into a measuring cup and stir, not even heating it, and use it right away.
If you do it with lime, then you should get something to check your soil PH if you are still having problems.
Again, this is just my opinion from reading here. So far I have been lucky, and not had any PH problems.