• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Watering with cold coffee

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, plants do NOT uptake organic compounds. Organic compounds must break down into their simple elements before passing through the membrane and being absorbed by plants. This has just recently been discovered.
Right again my friend.

That's why your micro-herd is so important if you're using organics.
Hey potpimp,

Can't speak for your grow. But I knew a lady that had a plant growing in her office for 8 years. She never watered it, she just dumped her 1/2 cup or so of left over coffee into the pot when she left work everyday. It was and still is the healthiest plant I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Hey potpimp,

Can't speak for your grow. But I knew a lady that had a plant growing in her office for 8 years. She never watered it, she just dumped her 1/2 cup or so of left over coffee into the pot when she left work everyday. It was and still is the healthiest plant I've ever seen.
What kind of plant was it?

Hey PotPimp, I've known organic growers who make an iced coffee/bat guano mix to use on their flowering plants and I must say, their flowers are the most delicious and beautiful buds I've ever experienced.


New Member
Yeah the biggest problem I have with posting anything here is that people read shit and if they wanna believe it they do whether or not it is founded or not. Generally I have found that opinions here are just that and once I find a bit of info on here I research it elsewhere because it seems like we are in a vaccum here. 1 guy "Fox Farm is the best" 200 others "yeah he's right". You can see it in the posts that most don't know shit. How many posts a day do we see that say Help my plant is dying? I have never killed a plant in my life and I really dont know shit about growing compared to some. "Attitude is awesome!! I have never ordered anywhere else". That's why they are awesome cuz you know no better. "I will smoke bat shit but no way would I put a nutrient rich and free liquid like my own urine in my soil". I dont get it and I dont know why it bothers me but it does.

because fox is what is needed for perfect grows. plants wont "die" on it unless you suck and the best part is you dont need a bunch of whoha- coffee and piss sphagnum overload!!! you dont need all this shit grow dank pounds with fox and yes im one of the hundreds for a reason get seed from the tude. Growing is so easy. my buddy is all like waaa i dont want to spend the money(20$?) so he got a bunch of inferior shit and he sucks still three grows later and he wonders why fox is how people learn and tude has good bean dig it


Well-Known Member
Actually, I got my seeds from dope-seeds, and they were just as good. At first I was annoyed because I found out Att has guaranteed shipping, but dope pretty much does to, but you don't pay for it, if it really doesn't show up, I've heard of them sending a new one, and when I had problems with a strain, they replaced it with another of my choosing from a different breeder for roughly the same cost... stop justifying being a sheep

any good soil will work if you pay attention to shit, it doesn't have to say fox farm, "because fox is what is needed for perfect grows" that is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard...wait, I take it back, I've been hearing lots of stupid shit, but that does rank up....REALLY, ARE YOU FCKING SERIOUS?!! so if you throw together a soil with all the same ingredients, it won't be as good? the plant doesn't care about the name on the bag, just whats in it. if you throw together soil that gives them what they need, thats it. Now go ask someones opinion so you'll know what to say, like your shepherd, becuase its pretty fucking obvious you can't come up with your own opinion.

But maybe I'm being to harsh, maybe I'm wrong....you tried all the other soil mixes and every possible custom mix recipe as a control group against your precious fox for these facts, didn't you? Fuck no you didn't, so please shut up when they're is literally NO POSSIBLE WAY you can say such a blanket statement and be sure about it, unless you really are that dense...

Czr, pot pimp, big v, THANK YOU...I'm going through this same stupid shit on 2 threads I just started...people just want to say "doesnt sound good" Like anyone gives a SHIT about what it SOUNDS like, I'm not interested in your comfort level, I care about results and facts, nothing else. People do seem to spit out opinion like its gospel, but an opinion does not a fact make... Godspeed.


Well-Known Member
I think what needs to be taken away from this thread is the fact that nomatter how wierd and wonderful the components of your nutrient makeups are, as long as they work and YOU have found the correct balance then all is well. If you think there is room for improvement or more balance to be achieved then by all means add piss or coffee or whatever the hell does well.

I have seen people post about using coffee for ages and i've never really looked twice, iv never knocked it or felt compelled to try it but based on the brilliant contribution by potpimp i will never rule it out. for now i'm happy with my BioCANNA 100% organic fermented plant extract. but now i have yet one more door open to me if i ever want to try :D

thanks potpimp


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks SensiStan and Raven; I appreciate the sage comments!! I've used Fox Farms (Happy Frog) for several grows, in fact I still have some plants in it right now - but it seriously amended. FF works because it comes from Humboldt county California; that's some of the richest, most fertile soil on the planet. One fault I've found with FF is that it always has fungus gnats and that is a deal killer for me from now on out. You can mix up your own blend, like Subcool's "Super Soil" or Uncle Ben's formula (almost exactly the same) and get better results than with FF.

Concerning seeds, the fact is there are breeders and there are distributors. Personally, I pick the strain that I want; I make sure that the seeds are from the original breeder, not a knock off. Then I shop for that specific breeders seeds from whoever gives the best price. I don't deal with companies in Canada; once burned is enough for me. I don't deal with Dutchbreed.com because they sold me garbage and won't reply to my emails. I have to give props to my two favorite *distributors*: Attitude and Nirvana. The seeds I've gotten from them were great and they shipped very stealthily. I'm sure there are others that are just as good; I just have not spent my money with them so I can't comment.

My thoughts are if it appeals to you and sounds like something you want to try on a plant, give it a shot but don't say "that sucks because I've never tried it". Albert Eisenstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you suck at growing, you NEED to do something different. Being set in your ways only works if you can grow like FDD, Uncle Ben, Earl, Subcool, Garden Knowm, Cruzer, Dave, or dozens of other amazingly skilled growers on this forum. If you don't have a journal on here with nice *healthy* plants, then you don't have anything to contribute as far as I'm concerned; put up or shut up. I'm attaching a couple of photos that I made yesterday of my 4 Kushes. The heat here in the deep south stunted their growth when it started hitting 85 so they are not going to be monsters like some places in Cali that seldom sees 80 degree weather. BTW, I also have 6 Super Lemon Haze in flower, 8 just taken out of the cloner and now in the hydro under lights, and 2 Maui Wowi flowering under the lights. The SLH seems to be extremely sensitive to the heat and almost totally stopped growing when it got hot. They are 3'-4' tall but have lush foliage all the way down. They also have 3-4 main colas (I topped using Uncle Ben's advice).



Well-Known Member
Here we go with the FF and attitude shit again. I wonder how weed was grown before FF and attitude. musta really been horrible. Thank god that FF and Attitude saved the world from all the shitty dope.


Well-Known Member
Coffee is taken from a plant, roasted, and basically made into a tea. I don't see how this is significantly different from other nutrient tea's many people use. My only concern would be the effect of caffeine, but hell, it might just make the growth hyperactive :) Sounds like most of what's in it are basically things you'd find in nature and in ferts. I'd probably stay away from flavored coffee, just go for the organic 100% pure or whatever.

And yes, I know several hardcore gardeners who have been using coffee grounds for years in compost. My grandma worked at the local arboretum for years and she consistently had one of the best gardens I have seen, tons of coffee grounds in the compost.


Sector 5 Moderator
Attitude is just a distributor bigv; they aren't the breeder, just the seller. I wanted ***Greenhouse Seed Company*** Super Lemon Haze, the Cannabis Cup winner for the last two years. They had them; they have a good rep; they had good prices and they gave me free feminized seeds. I fail to see the problem - unless you are a competitor of course. The Fox Farms... yeah, I totally agree with you. Hey, what do you think about adding mole-asses? :)


New Member
Here we go with the FF and attitude shit again. I wonder how weed was grown before FF and attitude. musta really been horrible. Thank god that FF and Attitude saved the world from all the shitty dope.
your hateful because your STILL fighting foxatude and smoking shittyer weed because of it. It doesnt have to be so difficult. just get good tude beans and feed the good shit, fox farm. its so easy bro you cant really hate it<have a sphagnum overload> because it works so good

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
your hateful because your STILL fighting foxatude and smoking shittyer weed because of it. It doesnt have to be so difficult. just get good tude beans and feed the good shit, fox farm. its so easy bro you cant really hate it because it works so good
No one is disputing that FF is good stuff.

People are just saying that there are other means of growing good pot other than using the FF line.

Good weed has been around a hell of a long time, FF hasn't.


Well-Known Member
I always amend my soil with coffee grounds. I just got to starbucks and they always have 5lb bags of used grounds to give away. It works like a charm


Well-Known Member
I've been on here long enough to hear it all... "I piss on my plants", "my cat pisses on my plants", etc. Most of it - and most of what you read on this forum - is BS, tales passed from one noob to the next. Uncle Ben refers to these as "snake oil and rocket fuel". However, I recently read on a forum for master gardeners about using cold coffee on tomatoes. There was no science given but it sounded reasonable so I tried it on my tomatoes... and on a couple of my pot plants. While it is impossible to quantify the results, it does appear that it may have had some beneficial results. I used the cold coffee several times over the course of a week.

Now for the good part. I decided to check the pH of the residual of yesterdays coffee. But I needed a standard to go by so I checked my tap water first: 7.5. Then I poured the cold coffee into a glass and tested it: 5.5! That was interesting, a perfectly pH balanced amendment for our favorite plant.

I Googled for information on what is in coffee. There are over 1,000 chemicals in coffee but only a few of them in a significant proportion. I will list the major ones.

Water - the universal super solvent.

- a component of cockroach alarm pheromones.

3,5Dicaffieoylquinic acid
- a powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals.

Dimethyl disulfide - you don't want to know.

Acetylmethylcarbinol - gives butter it's buttery taste; it's also used in movie popcorn flavoring.

Putrescine - you really don't want to know!

Trigonelline - a niacin molecule with a methyl group attached. It prevents tooth decay by inhibiting the bacterium streptococcus mutans from attaching to your teeth.

Niacin - Vitamin B3. When coffee is brewed, the high temperature causes the methyl group to detach from the niacin, releasing pure niacin into the coffee.

Coffee grounds also seem to be a very good material to add to your compost pile and even freshly used grounds are fine to use.

OK, I'm not a scientist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So my conclusion: use it; it can't hurt and there seems to be some good things in it. ...but I wouldn't use it in my hydro unit. :)
it works, just stay away from the flavored cofees, they attract pests.....

and ps-
you dont see attitude reimbursing all those people that got there CC info stolen.
and you dont see FF with a warning label on the bag 'does in fact contain fungus gnats, thripes, and other live insects you dont want in your garden' on it.

but there both true



Sector 5 Moderator
IAm5toned I like your writing style man! I'm reading your 1200w 3 stage dual cab grow now and it's very good. Ah yes, now I remember reading where you helped my bud Cruzer out on his greenhouse. Very cool of you. :)

I did not know that the tude had their CC info stolen, OMG... And for FF users, when those little seedlings get to about 3" tall and start dying and you don't know why, you can bet it's the little invisible critters in the FF eating your roots up. I nuked the shit out of my FF soil by using an organic poison drench; just drowned the little bastards. I have not grown anything in the soil since then. AKgrown, what a GREAT tip about Starbucks grounds!! Thanks for that.


New Member
i know you can use coffee grounds but i wouldnt dare poor coffee cold or hot my my plants im just a krazy cannabis smoker though.